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Human Anatomy & Physiology Laboratory OER

Materials to accompany KINS 2511 and KINS 2512 Human Anatomy and Physiology labs.


Identify the following structures of the sensory organs. 

The Eye

  1. Cornea
  2. Choroid
  3. Lens
  4. Sclera
  5. Ciliary Body
  6. Retina
  7. Ora Serrata
  8. Iris
  9. Fovea Centralis of macula lutea
  10. Optic Disc
  11. Pupil


The ear 

  1. Auricle
  2. External Auditory Meatus
  3. Tympanic Membrane
  4. Malleus
  5. Incus
  6. Stapes
  7. Oval WIndow
  8. Cochlea
  9. Round Window
  10. Auditory Tube
  11. Vestibule
  12. Semicircular Canals



The Eye 

  1. Cornea - the transparent structure of the fibrous outer tunic covering the anterior 1/6th of the eye; allows the light to enter the eye
  2. Sclera - the “white” of the eye; tough structure of the fibrous outer tunic that protects the eye; accounts for 5/6 of the surface of the eye
  3. Choroid - posterior part of the middle tunic of the eye; layer of highly vascularized connective tissue that provides blood supply to the retina
  4. Lens - a concave structure posterior to the iris; focuses the light
  5. Ciliary Body - part of the middle tunic of the eye; attaches to the lens by suspensory ligaments; also makes aqueous humor
  6. Retina - part of the sensory inner tunic of the eye; contains photoreceptors (cones and rods)
  7. Ora Serrata - the serrated junction between the retina and the ciliary body
  8. Iris - part of the middle tunic of the eye; the colored part of the eye; has the pupil
  9. Fovea Centralis of macula lutea - a small, centrally located yellow spot on the posterior side of the eye; responsible for high-acuity vision 
  10. Optic Disc - a circular region on the posterior side of the eye; a place where the optic nerve leaves the eye; also known as the blind spot (has no photoreceptors) 
  11. Pupil - the hole at the center of the iris; controls the amount of light reaching the retina 


The ear 

  1. Auricle - outer ear; large, fleshy structure on the lateral aspect of the head; also referred to as the pinna
  2. External Auditory Meatus or canal - passageway that leads from the outside of the head to the tympanic membrane; nearly 1 inch (2.5 cm) in length 
  3. Tympanic Membrane (aka the eardrum) - forms the boundary between the outer and middle ear; found at the medial end of the auditory canal; vibrates in response to sound waves
  4. Malleus - outermost of the three ossicles (small bones) of the middle ear; is attached to the tympanic membrane and articulates with the incus
  5. Incus - middle of the three ossicles (small bones) of the middle ear; articulates with the stapes
  6. Stapes - innermost of the three ossicles (small bones) of the middle ear; stir-up shaped; rests against the oval window
  7. Oval Window - a connective tissue membrane located at the end of the middle ear and the beginning of the inner ear; site of attachment for the stapes
  8. Cochlea - part of inner ear; looks like a shell of a snail; houses sensory organ for hearing
  9. Round Window - one of the two openings from the middle ear into the inner ear; covered by a membrane that bulges outward in response to pressure placed on the oval window by the ossicles
  10. Auditory Tube - extends from the middle ear to the upper part of the pharynx; helps equilibrate air pressure across the tympanic membrane; normally closed but will pop open when the muscles of the pharynx contract during swallowing or yawning
  11. Vestibule - region of the inner ear responsible for balance
  12. Semicircular Canals - three canals in different planes; sense head movement


Module 12 McGraw Hill Connect APR Cadaver Activity