Zygomatic Bone (aka cheekbone) - paired bone; forms much of the lateral wall of the orbit and the lateral-inferior margins of the anterior orbital opening
Nasal Bone - paired bone; small bones that articulate (join) with each other anteriorly to form the bony base (bridge) of the nose; often damaged when the nose is broken
Lacrimal Bone - paired bone; small, rectangular bone that forms the medial wall of the orbit.
Maxilla Bone - paired bone; forms the upper jaw, much of the hard palate, the medial floor of the orbit, and the lateral base of the nose
Vomer Bone - single bone; forms the lower portion of the nasal septum
Palatine Bone - paired bone; irregularly shaped bones that contribute small areas to the lateral walls of the nasal cavity and the medial wall of each orbit
Mandible Bone - single bone; forms the lower jaw and is the only moveable facial bone of the skull; at the time of birth consists of paired right and left bones that fuse together
Mental Foramen - on the mandible; a paired opening located on the anterior surface of the mandible; passage for a sensory nerve that supplies the chin
Coronoid Process - on the mandible; the anterior (flattenned) projection of the mandibular ramus
Mandibular Condyle - on the mandible; the posterior projection of the mandibular ramus; articulates (joins) with the mandibular fossa of the temporal bone forming the temporomandibular joint that allows for opening and closing of the mouth
Thoracic cage
Head of rib - the posterior end of a typical rib that articulates primarily with the costal facet on the body of the same numbered thoracic vertebra and to a lesser degree, with the costal facet located on the body of the next higher vertebra.
Tubercle of rib - an eminence on the posterior surface at the junction of the neck and body of the rib, and nearer the lower than the upper border; articulates with the facet located on the transverse process of the same numbered vertebra.
Costal Groove - on the rib; a shallow groove found along the inferior margin of each rib; passageway for intercostal vessels and nerve
True Ribs - ribs 1–7; directly articulate with the sternum with their costal cartilages
False Ribs - ribs 8-12; do not articulate directly with the sternum; the 8th, 9th, and 10th are connected to the 7th rib by cartilage.
Floating Ribs - the last two false ribs (11–12); do not articulate with the sternum at all
Manubrium - wider, superior portion of the sternum
Corpus (body) - middle, main portion of the sternum
Xiphoid Process - the inferior tip of the sternum
Clavicular Notch - on the manubrium; a shallow depression located on each side at the superior-lateral margins; site of the sternoclavicular joint
Jugular Notch - on the manubrium; a shallow U-shaped border located on the superior margin