Actin - thin contractile myofilament; anchored at the Z discs
Myosin - thick contractile myofilament; anchored at the M line in the middle of the sarcomere.
Troponin - regulatory protein of the sarcomere; attached to the thin filament
Tropomyosin - regulatory protein of the sarcomere; attached to the thin filament
Z Line - also known as z-disc; forms the borders of the sarcomere; anchors myofilaments
M Line - runs down the center of the sarcomere, through the middle of the myosin filaments
A Band - at the center of the sarcomere; myosin and actin filaments overlap in peripheral regions of the A band, whereas a middle region (called the H zone) contains only myosin
I Band - the region of the sarcomere with thin filaments only
H Zone - the region of the A-band; has thick filaments only
Stratum Basale - the deepest epidermal layer, one-layer of cuboidal cells
Stratum Spinosum - superficial to stratum basale, 8 -10 layers of keratinocytes, looks “spiny”
Stratum Granulosum - superficial to stratum spinosum, has a grainy appearance, 3-4 layers
Stratum Lucidum - seemingly translucent layer; only found in thick skin between strata granulosum and corneum
Stratum Corneum - most superficial layer, 30-40 layers of dead cells
Epidermis - superficial layer of the skin; made of epithelial tissue
Dermis - deeper layer of the skin; made of connective tissue
Hypodermis - layer directly inferior to the dermis, has blood vessels and adipose tissue
Dermal Papilla - a finger-like projection, or fold, of the dermis into the epidermis; increases the strength of the connection between the epidermis and dermis
Arrector Pili Muscle - a smooth muscle connected to each hair root; contracts to make the external hair shaft “stand up.”
Reticular Layer - thicker layer of dermis, inferior to the papillary layer; well vascularized and has a rich nerve supply; appears reticulated (net-like) due to a tight meshwork of fibers.
Sebaceous (Oil) Gland - in mid-dermis; have a duct emptying into the hair follicles; found all over the body; helps to lubricate and waterproof the skin and hair
Pacinian Corpuscle - touch receptor in reticular layer of dermis; looks lamellated (bulbous)
Meissner’s Corpuscle - touch receptor in the papillary layer of the dermis; located in dermal papilla
Sweat Gland (eccrine type) - coiled gland lying deep in the dermis, with the duct rising up to a pore on the skin surface, where the sweat is released.
Hair Follicle - tunnel looking structure in the skin; houses the hair root
Module 11 McGraw Hill Connect APR Cadaver Activity