Gracilis - located on the medial aspect of each thigh; adducts the thigh in addition to flexing the knee
Sartorius - on the anterior thigh; a band-like muscle that extends from the anterior superior iliac spine to the medial side of the proximal tibia; flexes the leg at the knee and flexes, abducts, and laterally rotates the leg at the hip
Soleus - deep muscle on the posterior aspect of the crus; deep to the gastrocnemius; connects to the Achilles tendon
Gastrocnemius - the most superficial and visible muscle of the calf with two muscle bellies; on the posterior aspect of the crus
Tibialis Anterior - a long and thick muscle on the lateral surface of the tibia
Tibialis Posterior - deep and central muscle located in the posterior crus; it will plantar flex and invert the foot
Extensor Digitorum Brevis - located on the dorsal surface of the foot; extends toes
Rectus Femoris- on the anterior aspect of the thigh; one of the quadricep muscles; extends the knee and flexes the hip
Vastus Lateralis - one of the quadricep muscles; on the lateral aspect of the thigh and it will extend the knee
Vastus Intermedius - between the vastus lateralis and vastus medialis and deep to the rectus femoris; one of the quadricep muscles and it will extend the knee
Vastus Medialis - on the medial aspect of the thigh; one of the quadricep muscles and it will extend the knee
Adductor magnus - on the medial aspect of the thigh; adducts the thigh
Iliotibial Tract (Band) - on the lateral aspect of the thigh; tensor fascia latae pulls on the iliotibial tract to stabilize the lateral aspect of the knee
Extensor Digitorum Longus - on the anterior aspect of the crus; will extend the toes
Gluteus Maximus - largest muscle of the gluteal muscles/group; on the posterior aspect of the pelvis; extends the hip
Gluteus Medius - on the lateral aspect of the pelvis; deep to the gluteus maximus; will abduct the hip
Tensor Fascia Latae - a thick, squarish muscle in the superior aspect of the lateral thigh; acts as a synergist of the gluteus medius and iliopsoas in flexing and abducting the thigh; stabilizes the lateral aspect of the knee by pulling on the iliotibial tract, which connects to the tibia
Adductor Longus - on the medial aspect of the thigh; adducts the hip joint
Peroneus Brevis - (fibularis brevis) on the lateral aspect of the crus; lowers the sole of the foot to the ground; eversion of the foot
Flexor Digitorum Longus - deep muscle in the posterior crus; flexes the toes
Biceps Femoris - one of the three long muscles on the lateral posterior of the thigh that make up the hamstring group; flexes the knee and the long head extends the hip
Semitendinosus - one of the three long muscles on the medial posterior of the thigh that make up the hamstring group; flexes the knee and extends the hip (medial)
Semimembranosus - one of the three long muscles on the posterior of the thigh that make up the hamstring group; most medial - lies deep to semitendinosus) flexes the knee and extends the hip
Popliteus - on the lateral aspect of the knee; it is a small stabilizing muscle that assists in the external rotation of the leg at the knee
Peroneus Longus - (fibularis longus) on the lateral aspect of the crus; lowers the sole of the foot to the ground; eversion of the foot
Piriformis - in the posterior pelvis it is a muscle deep to the gluteus maximus; external rotator of the hip; maintains posture by stabilizing the hip joint
Module 10 McGraw Hill Connect APR Cadaver Activity