Supraspinatus - originates superior to the spine of the scapula and inserts at the greater tubercle; abducts the arm; one of the four rotator cuff muscles
Deltoid - the thick muscle that creates the rounded lines of the shoulder; the major abductor of the arm, but it also facilitates flexing and medial rotation, extension and lateral rotation.
Biceps Brachii - crosses the anterior shoulder and elbow joints to flex the elbow, also taking part in supinating the forearm at the radioulnar joints and flexing the arm at the shoulder joint
Coracobrachialis - originates at the coracoid process and inserts at the shaft of the humerus; flexes and adducts the arm.
Flexor Carpi Radialis - on the anterior aspect of the antebrachium; flexes and abducts the wrist joint.
Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus- on the posterior aspect of the antebrachium; extends and abducts the wrist joint
Infraspinatus - originates inferior to the spine of the scapula and inserts at the greater tubercle; laterally rotate the arm; one of the four rotator cuff muscles
Teres Major - thick and flat muscle on the lateral, inferior aspect of the scapula that inserts into the bicipital groove; extends the arm, and assists in adduction and medial rotation.
Triceps Brachii - three muscles that span the posterior aspect of the humerus; extends the antebrachium
Pronator Quadratus - on the distal aspect of anterior ulna and radius; assists in pronation
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris - on the posterior and medial aspect of the antebrachium; flexes and adducts the wrist
Pectoralis Major - thick and fan-shaped muscle; originates from the anterior sternum, clavicle, and ribs 1-6 and inserts into the bicipital groove
Teres Minor - originates from the lateral aspect of the scapula and inserts into the greater tubercle; externally rotates the shoulder; one of four rotator cuff muscles
Pronator Teres - originates from the medial supracondylar ridge and the coronoid process of ulna; inserts in the lateral surface of the radius.
Brachialis - anterior muscle crossing the elbow; deep to the biceps brachii; assists with flexion.
Supinator - originates from lateral epicondyle and inserts into the proximal third of the radius; main muscle of antebrachium supination.
Flexor Digitorum Superficialis - on the anterior aspect of antebrachium, flexes the wrist and the phalanges, which allows for rapid finger movements
Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis - on the posterior aspect of antebrachium on the lateral side; assists extensor radialis longus in extending and abducting wrist; stabilizes hand during finger flexion
Pectoralis Minor - anterior thoracic muscle; deep to the pectoralis major; inserts on the coracoid process.
Subscapularis - originates on the anterior scapula and inserts at the greater tubercle; medially rotates the arm and is one of four rotator cuff muscles
Sternocleidomastoid - originates at the clavicle and sternum and inserts into the mastoid process; laterally flexes and rotates the head, assists in shrugging shoulders.
Brachioradialis - on the lateral aspect of antebrachium running toward the thumb; assists with elbow flexion.
Palmaris Longus - on the anterior aspect of antebrachium; assists in wrist flexion.
Extensor Carpi Ulnaris - on the posterior antebrachium from lateral epicondyle and running along the ulnar side to the 5th metacarpal; wrist extension and adduction
Extensor Digitorum - on the posterior antebrachium from lateral epicondyle of the humerus to the 2-5 digits; extends both wrist joint and digital joints.
Trapezius - a diamond shaped muscle on the posterior thorax; connects to skull, spine of scapula, acromion, clavicle, and the T10-T12 spinous process; elevates shoulders; pulls shoulder blades together; tilts head backwards
Rhomboid Minor - originates from the cervical and thoracic vertebrae (C7 and T1) and connects to medial scapula border; stabilizes scapula during pectoral girdle movement;
Rhomboid Major - originates from the thoracic vertebrae (T2–T5) and connects to medial scapula border; stabilizes scapula during pectoral girdle movement
Levator Scapulae - posterior muscle that connects the superior angle of the scapula to the transverse processes of C1-C4; elevates the scapula.
Splenius - made of two muscles that originate at the midline of the back and run laterally and superiorly to their insertions; muscles can extend, laterally flex and rotate the head
Semispinalis Capitis - posterior aspect of the neck; rotates and tilts head backward