The Electrical Conduction System of the Heart
The functioning of the conduction system of the heart
The components of the cardiac conduction system include (in correct sequence) the sinoatrial (SA) node, the atrioventricular (AV) node, the atrioventricular (AV) bundle, the atrioventricular (AV) bundle branches, and the Purkinje fibers. Cardiac pacemaker cells that form this system do not have a stable resting membrane potential like skeletal muscles or neurons.
The signal from the pacemaker cells is then transmitted to contractile myocardial cells as these cells are stimulated to generate an action potential.
All components of the conduction system of the heart function similarly. However, each individual component has certain unique characteristics. For example, the SA node is considered the pacemaker of the heart because it initiates the heart rhythm known as the sinus rhythm, while the Purkinje fibers have the fastest speed of signal conduction. You can watch Conducting the Signal to see a visual for the conduction of the electric signal.
The Electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG)
We can detect electrical currents in the heart by means of electrodes (leads) applied to the skin. An instrument called the electrocardiograph amplifies these signals and produces a record, usually on a moving paper chart, called an electrocardiogram (ECG), also commonly abbreviated as EKG (K coming from "kardiology", from the German term for cardiology). To record an ECG, electrodes are typically attached to the wrists, ankles, and six locations on the chest. Simultaneous recordings can be made from electrodes at different distances from the heart; collectively, they provide a comprehensive image of the heart's electrical activity. An ECG is a composite recording of ALL action potentials produced by the nodal and myocardial cells—it should not be construed as a tracing of a single action potential. The EKG has very important diagnostic value: it can help us diagnose problems in the conduction system, heart attacks, heart enlargement and hormone/electrolyte imbalances. In a normal ECG tracing each component, segment, and interval is labeled and corresponds to important electrical events, demonstrating the relationship between these events and the cardiac cycle (contraction and relaxation of the heart).
The ECG is made up of a straight baseline and waves. The waves can either move over or under the baseline.
A segment is the area between two waves.
An interval is a straight line and one or more waves.
A complex is more than one wave appearing in succession of one another.
ECG Component | Duration in Seconds | Corresponding Significance |
P wave | 0.06-0.11 | Depolarization of atrial fibers at SA node |
P-R interval | 0.12-0.20 | Time from beginning of depolarization of atrial fibers to beginning of depolarization of the ventricles |
P-Q segment | 0.08 | Time for cardiac impulse to pass through the AV node |
QRS complex | < 0.12 | Depolarization of ventricular fibers |
S-T segment | 0.12 | Time for ventricles to contract |
Q-T interval | 0.36-0.44 | Time from ventricular depolarization to end of ventricular repolarization |
T wave | 0.16 | Repolarization of ventricular fibers (ends pattern) |
T-P segment | <0.50 | Time of relaxation and filling of the heart between beats |
McGraw Hill Connect Online Lab 1: EKG