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Georgia Southern Scholars

Shared Tabs/Sections

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Content records in GS Scholars share many of the same tabs and sections, regardless of the record type. This page provides general instructions for these shared components. Other pages throughout the GS Scholars guide link to the instructions on this page. Need help interpreting these instructions? Contact the GS Commons Team at

Create a New Record or Open an Existing Record

1. Log in to your GS Scholars profile.

2. To create a new record, click + Add new, then select the submission type appropriate to your work:

Screenshot of + Add new button and Submission guide.

3. Alternatively, to update an existing record, click the dropdown menu on the Personal tab, then click My research output under the appropriate submission type header for the record you want to open. Use the search bar to locate and open the record:

Screenshot of Personal tab menu and search box

Available Updates Tab

If you open an existing record with available updates from an online source, then the record will automatically open on the Available Updates tab. After you make these updates and resave the record, this tab will be hidden until new updates become available.

Metadata Tab: Publication Status Section

For the Publication Status section, your research output may go through a number of stages on its journey to publication. Edit the Publication Status section according to the following definitions:

  • In preparation: Enter the date that the work is being prepared for submission. By default, the record's visibility is set to Backend - restricted to Pure users and so will not appear on the GS Scholars portal.
  • Submitted: Enter the date that the work was submitted to a journal for peer review. By default, the record's visibility is set to Backend - restricted to Pure users and so will not appear on the GS Scholars portal.
  • Accepted/In Press: Enter the date that the work is approved, following all peer review changes. By default, the record's visibility is set to Public - No restriction and will appear on the GS Scholars portal.
  • E-pub ahead of print: Enter the date that the publisher-formatted version was made available on the publisher’s webpage. The record can be updated to include a link. By default, the record's visibility is set to Public - No restriction and will appear on the GS Scholars portal.
  • Published: Enter the date that the work was formally published. The record can be updated to include volume, issue and page numbers. By default, the record's visibility is set to Public - No restriction and will appear on the GS Scholars portal.

Screenshot of Publication status section

Metadata Tab: Publication Information Section

The Publication Information section may include different fields depending on the record template. 

  • Original language (required)
    Select the original language of the body of the work from the dropdown.

Form field for Original language

  • Title of the contribution in original language (required)
    Enter the title of the work in the original language as specified in the Original language field. Use upper and lower case letters and punctuation as appropriate to your preferred citation style.

Form field for Subtitle of the contribution in original language


  • Subtitle of the contribution in original language
    Enter the subtitle of the work in the original language as specified in the Original language field. Use upper and lower case letters and punctuation as appropriate to your preferred citation style.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Form field for Subtitle of the contribution in original language

  • Abstract
    Enter the abstract in the original language.
  • Pages (from-to)
    If this section includes the [...] field, enter
  • Number of pages
    If this section includes the [...] field, enter
  • Chapter
    If this section includes the [...] field, enter
  • Article number
    If this section includes the [...] field, enter
  • Media of output
    If this section includes the [...] field, enter
  • Size
    If this section includes the [...] field, enter

Metadata Tab: Authors and Affiliations Section

For the Authors and Affiliations section, you may have multiple organizational affiliations listed, including research centers, institutes, and Research Impact Areas. If one or more of these is not relevant to a particular output, you can remove it by clicking on the Subtract symbol next to the name. Conversely, you can add an affiliation by clicking Add Organizational Unit…

For yourself and any other current Georgia Southern faculty, make sure that the department where you hold your faculty appointment appears under your name. If Georgia Southern University appears as a separate author, remove it.

Screenshot of author fields

To add additional authors to an output, click on Add person… and either search for another Georgia Southern faculty member, or add an external person. Use the Up and Down arrows to order authors appropriately.

If you are new to the University and importing publications from previous institutions, make sure that your current department affiliation under your name. To do this, click Edit next to your name, add the affiliation, and click Update.

If you need to change your status on a output from an external author to an internal author, contact the GS Commons Team at for help.

Metadata Tab: Publication Managed By Section

For the Publication Managed By section, make sure that the department where the first current Georgia Southern author holds their faculty appointment appears here.


Screenshot of Publication managed by section

Metadata Tab: Electronic Version(s), and Related Files and Links Section

For the Electronic Version(s), and Related Files and Links section, add any relevant documents or links. We strongly encourage you to include a link to the final published version of the work if available, ideally a DOI or the publisher's URL. We also encourage you to upload a copy of the work if this is allowed.

If you upload a copy of either the final published version, a post-print, or a pre-print, please ensure that the terms of publication permit you to do this. If you are unsure whether you can post a copy of your work, contact the GS Commons Team at for help.

Screenshot of Electronic versions section

Metadata Tab: Event Section

For the Event section, if the output is directly related to a conference presentation or workshop, you can add the relation here. 

Screenshot of Event section

Metadata Tab: Keywords Section

GS Scholars allows you to add disciplines, keywords, and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to your research outputs. What keywords are available for you to add may differ by content type and template.

Screenshot of Keywords section

Metadata Tab: Relations Section

For the Relations section, if the output is directly related to any other outputs in GS Scholars, you can add these relations here. This is especially useful for relating publications, presentations, or similar outputs with research projects and grants.

Screenshot of Relations section

Metadata Tab: Visibility Section

The Visibility section determines whether a record appears on the GS Scholars portal. The four available visibility statuses are:

  • Public - No restriction: The content is visible on the GS Scholars portal.
  • Campus - Restricted to specific IP range: Do not use.
  • Backend - Restricted to Pure users: The content is visible only on the back end to others logged in with a GS Scholars account.
  • Confidential - Restricted to associated users and editors: The email addresses of those who can view the record will be displayed. This includes other contributors as well as platform administrators.

For most records, the default setting is Public - No restriction. The default setting for research outputs depends on their publication status. Outputs that are In preparation or Submitted have the default setting of Backend - Restricted to Pure users. Outputs with the status E-pub ahead of print or Published have the default setting Public - No restriction.

The colored dot associated with each visibility status will appear in your content lists.

Screenshot of visibility section

Manage Duplicates Tab


Relations Tab


Fingerprints Tab

Under the Fingerprints heading on the Fingerprints tab, edit the fingerprints associated with the record (see more about fingerprints in the FAQ).

To remove fingerprint categories:

  1. Select the category you want to remove.
  2. Change the blue On switch to Off.
  3. Click Save.

To remove individual fingerprint concepts:

  1. Select the individual concept you want to remove.
  2. Click on the Red Cross.
  3. Click Save.

Similarly, restore fingerprints by reversing the steps above for the omitted concepts and disabled categories at the bottom of the tab. When you are done making changes, click Save at the bottom of the record.

Screenshot of Fingerprints section

History and Comments Tab

Under the Comments heading on the History and Comments tab, add a comment to the record's history. Comments are helpful for preserving information about changes to the record over time. To add a comment, click Write a comment about the content, write your comment, then click Save at the bottom of the record. Currently, the system does not send emails, so leave the email section blank.

Screenshot of comment field


For help, contact the GS Commons Team at A team member will respond as soon as possible during regular business hours.