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Georgia Southern Scholars


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Press/Media records capture press/media activity related to a scholar's outputs, activities, or expertise. Press/Media records are designed to collect any number of media contributions or coverage related to an overarching theme or story. As such, a single Press/Media record is capable of representing multiple media events and contributions by any number of scholars.

For each Press/Media record:

  • The theme/story is addressed in the Description section. The theme/story is the overarching topic, theme, or story to which the Media Contributions and/or Media Coverage relate. This section is required.

Screenshot of Press/Media record Description section with callout

  • The related Media Contributions and/or Media Coverage are addressed in the Details of Media contribution and Media coverage section. You can add multiple media events and contributions. Here are definitions of each:
    • Media Coverage: A media activity in which the individual and/or their work is featured without their active participation (e.g., unsolicited reference or quotation).
    • Media Contribution: A media activity in which the individual actively participates (e.g., interview, blurb)

This section is required.

Screenshot of Details of Media contribution and Media coverage section with callout

Add or Update a Press/Media Record

To add or update a Press/Media record, follow these instructions:

  • Create a New Record or Open an Existing Record
    Follow these instructions to create a new record or open an existing record.
  • Update the Available Updates Tab
    Follow these instructions if you open an existing record and the Available Updates tab displays.
  • Update the Metadata Tab
    • Metadata Tab: Description
      For the Description section, complete the following required and optional fields:
      • Title of theme/story (required)
        In the Title of theme/story field, enter a brief title for the Press/Media record that summarizes the theme/story to which the media contributions and coverage are related.
      • Description
        In the Description field, enter a brief description of the theme/story in the context of the relevant media contributions and coverage.
      • Subject
        If relevant to understanding the significance of the Press/Media record, enter in the Subject field a brief general description of the subject independent of any particular media contributions and coverage. 
    • Metadata Tab: Details of Media Contribution and Media Coverage
      For the Details of Media Contribution and Media Coverage section, complete the following required and optional fields:
      • Media Contribution and Media Coverage (required)
        In the Media Contribution and Media Coverage field, click Add media contribution or media coverage... to add individual Media Contribution or Media Coverage activities to the Press/Media record. In the form, enter information relating to the particular activity.
        • Type (required)
          In the Type field, select whether the article is a Media contribution or Media coverage according to the following definitions: 
          • Media Contribution: A media activity in which the individual actively participates (e.g., interview, blurb)
          • Media Coverage: A media activity in which the individual and/or their work is featured without their active participation (e.g., unsolicited reference or quotation).
        • Title (required)
          In the Title field, enter a title for the Media contribution or Media coverage. If appropriate, add the title of the work as it appears in the original physical or electronic version.
        • Description/Abstract
          In the Description/Abstract field, enter a brief description the Media contribution or Media coverage. If appropriate, add the description/abstract of the work as it appears in the original physical or electronic version.
        • Persons and Affiliations (required)
          In the Persons and Affiliations field, click Add person... and search for and select a current faculty or staff member (i.e., internal person) or add an external person.
          screenshot of the process of selecting a person
          If adding an internal person, make sure that they are affiliated with the department where they currently hold their faculty or staff position:
          Screenshot of the edit person field
        • Date (required)
          In the Date field, enter the publication or start date of the Media contribution or Media coverage.
        • URL
          In the URL field, enter a URL if applicable and known.
        • Media Name/Outlet
          In the Media Name/Outlet field, enter the name(s) of any publishing organizations, distributors, or outlets if applicable and known.
          Screenshot of the date and URL field with instructions
        • Media Type
          In the Media Type field, select the most applicable media type if applicable and known.
        • Degree of Recognition
          In the Degree of Recognition field, select the degree of recognition if applicable and known.
        • Country/Territory
          In the Country/Territory field, enter the origin country/territory if applicable and known. For territories with an additional Subdivision field (e.g., United States), enter the subdivision if applicable and known.
        • Producer/Author
          In the Producer/Author field, enter the name(s) of the producer and/or author if applicable and known.
        • Duration/Length/Size
          In the Duration/Length/Size field, enter any relevant duration, length, or size information if applicable and known.
          Screenshot of the media type, degree of recognition, country/territory, subdivision, producer/author, & duration/length/size fields
        • Click the Create button once all information has been entered.
        • Repeat these steps for all Media Contribution or Media Coverage activities added to the Press/Media record.
    • Metadata Tab: Publication Managed by
      Follow these instructions to update the Publication Managed by section. The Period field will auto-populate the date range of all articles entered in the Media contribution and media coverage field. 
    • Metadata Tab: Keywords
      Follow these instructions to update the Keywords section.
    • Metadata Tab: Event
      Follow these instructions to update the Event section.
    • Metadata Tab: Relations
      Follow these instructions to update the Relations section.
    • Metadata Tab: Visibility
      Follow these instructions to update the Visibility section.
  • Review the Manage Duplicates Tab
    Follow these instructions to review the Duplicates tab.
  • Review the Relations Tab
    Follow these instructions to review the Relations tab.
  • Update the History and Comments Tab
    Follow these instructions to update the History and Comments tab.


For help, contact the GS Commons Team at A team member will respond as soon as possible during regular business hours.