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Georgia Southern Scholars

Personal Information

Office Hours Available: Need help updating your profile? Email to schedule a one-on-one!

This page introduces your personal profile record and some basic updates you should make. Need help updating your personal information? Contact the GS Commons Team at

Access Your Personal Profile Record

Follow these instructions to access your profile record and update your personal information:

1. After logging into your GS Scholars profile, you will be redirected to the Personal Overview page. 

2. Click Edit Profile under your profile picture.

3. You will be redirected to your the Metadata tab of your profile record.


Navigate Your Profile Record

Your profile record is divided into several tabs, which appear on the left-hand side of the screen. Faculty may edit information on several of these tabs. If you need any help navigating or editing your profile record, contact the GS Commons Team at

Following is information about each tab:

  • Metadata: Includes all personal metadata fields. You may update most fields on this tab with the exception of the Organizational Affiliations and Visibility sections.
  • Associated User: Includes information about the user record associated with your profile record. The user record controls your access to GS Scholars and your administrative rights.
  • Automated Search: Allows you to set up automated search for publications in GS Scholar's available import sources.
  • Relations: Lists all of the content currently associated with your profile in GS Scholars. Click on the tabs at the top of the screen to see your content by content type.
  • Fingerprints: Research "fingerprints" are concise representations of the main concepts, topics, and themes within a document. GS Scholars automatically associates fingerprints with your profile based on your associated content, which you can then edit.
  • Display: Shows how your profile information will display in the GS Scholars portal.
  • History and Comments: Shows a history of updates to your profile as well as any added comments.


Update Your Personal Identification Information

Under the Personal identification heading on the Metadata tab, add or update your personal identification information, including the following. Click Edit to update an existing entry and Show to view an existing document. Use the Up and Down arrows to reorder entries. Click the Subtract symbol to delete any entry you don't want. When you are done making changes, click Save at the bottom of your profile record.

  • Your Name: Include your middle initial(s) in the First Name field. Include a period (.) following any initials.
  • Gender: Update at your discretion.
  • Date of Birth: Update at your discretion.
  • Nationality: Update at your discretion.
  • Name Variants: Leave any existing name variants. Add any additional relevant name variants.
  • Title: Include any special title followed by "and" then your faculty title and rank (e.g., "Associate Dean and Professor").
  • ID: Leave any existing IDs. Add and validate your Scopus author ID if it is missing.
  • ORCID: Add and check your ORCID ID if it is missing.
  • Profile Photos: Add or update your profile photo. Select Portrait from the dropdown when saving a new photo. Profile images should be in 1:1 aspect ratio. This means that the width should be the same as the height. Images sized at 500 pixels wide and 500 pixels high are best. Do not upload images larger than 800 pixels by 800 pixels. Use only headshots that are professional looking and clearly show your face.
  • Links: Add links relevant to you and your scholarly or creative activities. For example, you might include links to a Google Scholar, Publons, or Research Gate profile, as well as to relevant research project or lab websites. Add a brief description of the link.
  • Start Date as an Independent Researcher: Leave this field blank.
  • Retirement Date: Leave this field blank.
  • Profiled Toggle: Leave toggle set to On.

Screenshot of Personal Identification Fields


Update Your Curriculum Vitae

Under the Associated documents heading on the Metadata tab, click Add document... to upload a current copy of your CV. Select CV from the Type dropdown. Click Edit to update an existing entry and Show to view the document. Click the Subtract symbol to delete any entry you don't want. Be sure to remove any information from your CV that you don't want to share publicly before uploading it. When you are done making changes, click Save at the bottom of your profile record.

Screenshot of Associated Documents section


Update Your "About" Information

Under the Curriculum and research description heading on the Metadata tab, click Add profile information... to add an "About" section to your profile. Click Edit to update an existing entry. Click the Subtract symbol to delete any entry you don't want. Limit your About section to between 250 and 500 words. Focus on your scholarly or creative activities, and observe principles of good writing for the web, including:


  • Keep your content simple.
  • Write concisely and in plain English.
  • Use short sentences and break up your text into paragraphs.
  • Consider breaking up long sentences or paragraphs into bulleted lists.
  • Create links to your project web pages and other relevant sites.
  • Use headings to break up content.
  • Write about your research in the first person.


  • Go over 500 words, and aim for around 250 words.
  • Copy and paste pre-formatted text into the About section.
  • Include information about your personal life, for example your marital status, children, hobbies, etc.

While GS Scholars permits you to add additional descriptive sections to your profile, including research interests, we recommend including a single About section that includes this information.When you are done making changes, click Save at the bottom of your profile record.

Screenshot of About section.


Update Your Georgia Southern Affiliations

Do not edit your Georgia Southern affiliations. If any information in this section appears incorrect, contact the GS Commons Team at or your Associate Dean of Research (ADR).

Under the Organizational Affiliations heading on the Metadata tab, you will see information about your affiliations at Georgia Southern University. This section includes information about the department where you hold your faculty appointment as well as information about any centers, institutes, or Research Impact Areas with which you are affiliated.

The department where you hold your faculty appointment should appear first in the list and should indicate “primary.” Any research centers, institutes, or Research Impact Areas with which you are affiliated should follow your department. If you do not see listed centers, institutes, or Research Impact Areas with which you are affiliated, please contact the GS Commons Team or your ADR.

Screenshot of the Organizational Affiliations Field


Update Your Outside Positions

Under the Positions outside of the institution heading on the Metadata tab, click Add External Position... to add any outside positions relevant to your scholarly or creative activities. Click Edit to update an existing entry. Click the Subtract symbol to delete any entry you don't want. When you are done making changes, click Save at the bottom of your profile record.

For External Position entries, complete the following fields:

  • Appointment: Enter a name or description for the appointment.
  • External Organization: Enter the name of the organization with which the position is affiliated.
  • Start Date / End Date: Enter the year that you began the appointment and the year that you completed the appointment. Leave the end date empty if the appointment is in progress or does not expire. Enter more specific dates at your discretion.

Screenshot of Outside Positions Field


Update Your Education and Qualifications

Under the Education/Qualification heading on the Metadata tab, click either Add... button to add education or qualifications relevant to your scholarly or creative activities. Click Edit to update an existing entry. Click the Subtract symbol to delete any entry you don't want. When you are done making changes, click Save at the bottom of your profile record.

For Education entries, complete the following fields:

  • Field of Study: Leave this field blank.
  • Qualification: Enter the acronym for the degree earned followed by the field of study.
  • Project Title: Enter the title of your thesis or dissertation.
  • Award Date: If available, enter the award date of the degree.
  • Organization: Enter the name of the institution that awarded the degree.
  • Start Date / End Date: Enter the year that you began the degree and the year that you completed the degree. Leave the end date empty if the degree is in progress. Enter more specific dates at your discretion.

For Qualification entries, complete the following fields:

  • Qualification: Enter a name or description for the qualification.
  • Abbreviation of the Qualification: If available, enter the acronym or abbreviation for the qualification.
  • Start Date / End Date: If available, enter the year that you earned the qualification and the year that the qualification expires. Leave the end date empty if the qualification does not expire. Enter more specific dates at your discretion.

Screenshot of Education/Qualification Field


Update Your UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), ASJC Scopus Subject Areas, Disciplines, Research Interests, and Keywords

GS Scholars allows you to add disciplines, keywords, research interests, and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) relevant to your scholarly or creative activities. 

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Under the Keywords > SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS heading on the Metadata tab, click Add Sustainable Development Goals... to select from the UN Sustainable Development Goals (see more about the SDGs in the FAQ). Use the the Up and Down arrows to reorder your SDGs and use the Subtract symbol to delete any SDGs you don't want. When you are done making changes, click Save at the bottom of your profile record.

Screenshot of SDG Field


ASJC Scopus Subject Areas
Under the Keywords > SCOPUS SUBJECT AREAS heading on the Metadata tab, click Add Scopus Subject Areas... to select one or more ASJC Scopus subject areas that describe your work.

The All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) system is used by Scopus to classify journals and conference proceedings into four broad subject areas: life sciences, physical sciences, health sciences, and social sciences and humanities. Within these subject areas, the ASJC includes 27 categories, which are further divided into 334 subcategories. The ASJC also includes a class for multidisciplinary titles. The ASJC is based on the aims and scope of the title, and on the content it publishes. When a new journal and conference proceeding is added to Scopus, in-house experts classify the title and all its content according to the ASJC.

Adding one or more Scopus subject areas increases the discoverability of any works not indexed in Scopus when someone searches GS Scholars using ASJC keywords.

screenshot of ASJC Scopus Subject Areas fields with callouts


Under the Keywords > DISCIPLINES heading on the Metadata tab, click Add disciplines... to select from GS Scholars' list of disciplines. Use the the Up and Down arrows to reorder your disciplines and use the Subtract symbol to delete any disciplines you don't want. When you are done making changes, click Save at the bottom of your profile record.

Screenshot of adding disciplines

Research Interests
Under the Keywords > RESEARCH INTERESTS heading on the Metadata tab, add your own research interests in the free text fields. When you are done making changes, click Save at the bottom of your profile record.

Screenshot of Research Interests Field


Keywords (free text)
Under the Keywords > KEYWORDS heading on the Metadata tab, add your own keywords in the free text fields. When you are done making changes, click Save at the bottom of your profile record.


Update Your Portal Details

Under the Portal details heading on the Metadata tab, update your willingness to supervise PhD students and list any currently available PhD projects. Uncheck the Create person as an expert option. When you are done making changes, click Save at the bottom of your profile record.

Screenshot of Portal Details fields


Update Your Profile Visibility

Do not update the Visibility settings. Any faculty member who wishes not to be included in GS Scholars should contact their Associate Dean of Research (ADR). Any requests received by the GS Commons Team will be forwarded to the appropriate ADR.

Screenshot of Visibility Field


Set Up Automated Search

On the Automated Search tab, you may set up import sources to automatically search for publications in GS Scholar's available import sources. For every source you enable, GS Scholars will search for your past publications. For sources with name search enabled, GS Scholars will search for publications in the last 2 years. New searches are performed every 7 day(s). When you are done making changes, click Save at the bottom of your profile record.

Screenshot of Automated Search tab


Update Your Fingerprints

Under the Fingerprints heading on the Fingerprints tab, you may edit the fingerprints associated with your profile (see more about fingerprints in the FAQ).

To remove fingerprint categories:

  1. Select the category you want to remove.
  2. Change the blue On switch to Off.
  3. Click Save.

To remove individual fingerprint concepts:

  1. Select the individual concept you want to remove.
  2. Click on the Red Cross.
  3. Click Save.

Similarly, you may restore fingerprints by reversing the steps above for the omitted concepts and disabled categories at the bottom of the tab. When you are done making changes, click Save at the bottom of your profile record.

Screenshot of Fingerprints section


Add Comments to Your Profile Record

Under the Comments heading on the History and Comments tab, you may add comments to the profile history. This can be helpful for preserving information about changes to your profile over time. To add a comment, click Write a comment about the content, then compose your comment and select any email recipients. When you are done making changes, click Save at the bottom of the screen.

Screenshot of Comments section


For help, contact the GS Commons Team at A team member will respond as soon as possible during regular business hours.