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Georgia Southern Scholars

Research Outputs

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Research outputs are the diverse products of scholarly activity, including textual and non-textual outputs in physical and digital formats. GS Scholars supports several output types organized into the following categories. Click on the name of the category for more:

  • Book, Anthology, or Report
    Outputs that are a free-standing book, anthology, report, or similar publication where the author(s) are responsible for the entire work.
    Output type(s):
    Book, Anthology, Report
  • Contribution to Book or Proceeding
    Outputs that are a component of a free-standing book, anthology, dictionary, encyclopedia, report, conference proceeding, or similar publication where the author(s) are only responsible for the component.
    Output type(s):
    Chapter, Conference article, Foreword or postscript, Reference entry
  • Contribution to Conference
    Outputs that are published in continuation of a conference.
    Output type(s):
    Abstract, Paper, Poster, Presentation
  • Contribution to Journal
    Outputs that are published in a domain-specific scholarly journal.
    Output type(s):
    Article, Commentary, Conference article, Editorial, Letter, Meeting abstract, Scientific review, Short survey, Systematic review
  • Contribution to Specialist Publication
    Outputs that are published in a domain-specific publication that takes a more communicative or deliberative approach to specialist subject matter than a scholarly journal.
    Output type(s):
    Article, Feature article, Book, film, or article review, Editorial, Letter, Special issue
  • Graduate Thesis
    Outputs that are submitted in partial completion of a graduate degree.
    Output type(s):
    Doctoral thesis, Master's thesis
  • Non-Textual Contribution
    Outputs that are not explicitly textual (audio, video, computer code, compositions, etc.).
    Output type(s):
    Artifact, Audio or visual, Composition, Design, Exhibition, Performance, Software
  • Patent
    Outputs that confer to the patent holder(s) one or more exclusive rights to make, use, or sell an invention.
    Output type(s):
  • Working Paper
    Outputs that constitute an early version of another publication. Working papers are often used to exchange ideas or to get feedback before submitting a completed work to a publisher. Working papers may be published in a "gray literature" archive (e.g., or on a personal website.
    Output type(s):
    Working paper, Discussion paper, Preprint
  • Other Contribution
    Outputs that are do not fit into any other category.
    Output type(s):

Add or Update a Record for a Book, Anthology, or Report

GS Scholars supports three output types in this category:

  • Book: A free-standing work published in one or more volumes, often containing multiple continuous chapters, and often written by one author.
  • Anthology: A free-standing work published in one or more volumes, often containing multiple free-standing contributions or entries, and often written by multiple authors.
  • Report: A free-standing report with a pre-defined research objective, often requested by a commissioning body, and often written by multiple authors.

To add or update a record for a Book, Anthology, or Report, follow these steps:

Add or Update a Record for a Contribution to a Book or Proceeding

GS Scholars supports four output types in this category:

  • Chapter: A chapter or similar component of a book, anthology, report, or similar publication.
  • Conference Article: An article presented at a conference and published in a conference proceeding.
  • Foreword or Postscript: A contribution to a free-standing publication prior to the main text (foreword) or following the main text (postscript).
  • Reference Entry: A short, focused article on one or more topics for publication in a dictionary, encyclopedia, handbook, or similar publication.

To add or update a record for a Contribution to a Book or Proceeding, follow these steps:

Add or Update a Record for a Contribution to a Conference

GS Scholars supports four output types in this category:

  • AbstractA short, condensed preview of a paper, poster, or other work prepared for delivery at a conference.
  • PaperA paper prepared for delivery at a conference. The paper is made available at the conference or online but is not published in a conference proceeding or journal.
  • PosterA poster prepared for delivery at a conference, often with strong visual features supporting a quick overview.
  • PresentationA presentation prepared for delivery at a conference, often including slides, handouts, etc.

To add or update a record for a Contribution to a Conference, follow these steps:

Add or Update a Record for a Contribution to a Journal

GS Scholars supports nine output types in this category:

  • Article: A rigorous, detailed presentation of new scholarship for a specialist audience.
  • Commentary: A short commentary or contribution to a debate, often about previously published scholarship.
  • Conference Article: An article presented at a conference and published in a journal.
  • Editorial: A work expressing the author's, editor's, or publication's opinion on a topic.
  • Letter: A short work describing new, important results of scholarship.
  • Meeting Abstract: A short, condensed preview of a meeting or presentation.
  • Scientific Review: A critical review or evaluation of another publication.
  • Short Survey: A mini-review of previous research on a topic, including a brief summary of the current understanding of the topic. A short survey is generally shorter than a systematic review and contains a less extensive bibliography.
  • Systematic Review: A work that systematically reviews previous research on a topic and summarizes the current understanding of the topic.

To add or update a record for a Contribution to a Journal, follow these steps:

Add or Update a Record for a ​​​​​​Contribution to a Specialist Publication

GS Scholars supports five output types in this category:

  • Article: An article presenting a topic of interest to a specialist audience.
  • Feature Article: A feature article presenting a topic of interest to a specialist audience.
  • Book, Film, or Article Review: A review of a book, article, or film presented for a specialist audience.
  • Editorial: A work expressing the author's, editor's, or publication's opinion on a topic.
  • Letter: A short work describing new, important results of scholarship.
  • Special Issue: An issue focusing on a special topic or theme.

To add or update a record for a Contribution to a Specialist Publication, follow these steps:

Add or Update a Record for a Graduate Thesis

GS Scholars supports two output types in this category:

  • Doctoral Thesis: A thesis submitted in partial completion of a doctoral degree.
  • Master's Thesis: A thesis submitted in partial completion of a master's degree.

To add or update a record for a Graduate Thesis, follow these steps:

Add or Update a Record for a Non-Textual Contribution

GS Scholars supports seven output types in this category:

  • Artifact: Artifacts of various kinds.
  • Audio or Visual: Digital animations, illustrations, images, sound recordings, video recordings, and similar works.
  • Composition: Theatrical or musical scores, compositions, or similar works.
  • Design: Designs of various kinds.
  • Exhibition: Sculptures, paintings, models, art installations, and similar works.
  • Performance: Theatrical, musical, or similar performances.
  • Software: Free-standing software or computer code for execution of specific tasks.

To add or update a record for a Non-Textual Contribution, follow these steps:

Add or Update a Record for a Patent

GS Scholars supports one output type in this category:

  • Patent: An output that confers to the patent holder(s) one or more exclusive rights to make, use, or sell an invention.

To add or update a record for a Patent, follow these steps:

Add or Update a Record for a Working Paper

GS Scholars supports three output types in this category:

  • Working Paper: Alternative name for "Discussion paper."
  • Discussion Paper: Alternative name for "Working paper."
  • Preprint: The original manuscript version of a work submitted for publication prior to editorial or peer review.

To add or update a record for a Working Paper, follow these steps:

Add or Update an Other Contribution Record

GS Scholars supports one output type in this category:

  • Other: An output that does not fit into any other category.

To add or update a record for an Other Contribution, follow these steps:


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