Information in GS Scholars is updated many ways on different timelines. Here are some highlights:
Faculty Profiles – Additions and Removals
All tenure-track faculty receive a personal scholarly profile. Additionally, all research-active non-tenure track faculty may request a profile if they want one. Non-tenure track faculty should communicate with their ADRs to make this request. Any faculty member who wishes not to be included in GS Scholars should contact their ADR.
The GS Commons Team requests updated faculty reports from the Division of Academic Affairs twice per year following the fall and spring semester add/drop periods. The GS Commons Team then forwards these reports to the ADR for each college with instructions to review and correct the reports by a given due date. The GS Commons Team then adds or removes faculty profiles from GS Scholars following the due date. ADRs may contact the GS Commons Team with updates, or they may make updates themselves after receiving administrator training from the GS Commons Team.
Research Outputs, Projects/Grants, and Datasets
Research outputs, projects/grants, and datasets are updated daily via available import sources, including but not limited to Scopus, Elsevier's Funding Database, and Data Monitor. Manually entered records may also be updated if the output record contains sufficient information for Scopus or another import source to "match" it (like a DOI or ISBN). Additionally, Scopus, Data Monitor, and other import sources will recommend new records to import for faculty with a Scopus ID or ORCiD. Faculty can review and accept any recommended updates when they log into GS Scholars.
Any research output, project/grant, or dataset that does not match a record in an import source will not update automatically and will need to be updated manually. In addition to all faculty, Associate Deans of Research (ADRs) may edit research outputs, projects/grants, and datasets within their colleges after receiving administrator training from the GS Commons Team. Similarly, Office of Research personnel may edit these records for all colleges and departments after receiving training.
Research Activities, Prizes/Honors, Press/Media, and Facilities/Equipment
All research activities, prizes/honors, press/media, and facilities/equipment are entered manually, so these records need to be updated manually. In addition to all faculty, ADRs may edit these records within their colleges after receiving administrator training from the GS Commons Team. Similarly, Office of Research personnel may edit these records for all colleges and departments after receiving training.
Citation Counts and Metrics
Citation counts and metrics are updated daily via Scopus, PlumX, and Altmetric. These data cannot be edited. Citation counts and metrics from Google Scholar, Web of Science, and other citation indexes cannot be imported or displayed in GS Scholars. For more information about the appropriate use of metrics in research and assessment, see the GS Libraries' Statement on Metrical and Impact Data Tools as well as Central Michigan University's statement on Elsevier Administrative Analysis Tools.
Research "Fingerprints"
Research "Fingerprint" information is updated daily for all personal users (i.e., faculty), research units, and research outputs via Elsevier's Fingerprint Engine. Fingerprint information may also be edited manually. Individual faculty may edit fingerprint information on their own personal user and research output records. ADRs may edit fingerprint information on all personal user, research unit, and research output records within their colleges after receiving administrator training from the GS Commons Team. Similarly, Office of Research personnel may edit fingerprint information on all personal user, research unit, and research output records for all colleges and departments after receiving administrator training.
Research Impact Areas (RIAs)
Office of Research personnel may request the addition or removal of Research Impact Areas (RIAs) in GS Scholars. All changes to the structure of RIAs in GS Scholars are conducted by the GS Commons Team. All RIA information is added to personal users (i.e., faculty), research units, and research outputs manually. Individual faculty may add RIA information to their own personal user and research output records. ADRs may add RIA information to all personal user, research unit, and research output records within their colleges after receiving administrator training from the GS Commons Team. Similarly, Office of Research personnel may add RIA information to all personal user, research unit, and research output records for all colleges and departments after receiving administrator training.
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
SDG information is updated daily for all personal users (i.e., faculty), research units, and research outputs via Scopus. SDG information may also be added manually. Individual faculty may add SDG information to their own personal user and research output records. ADRs may add SDG information to all personal user, research unit, and research output records within their colleges after receiving administrator training from the GS Commons Team. Similarly, Office of Research personnel may add SDG information to all personal user, research unit, and research output records for all colleges and departments after receiving administrator training.
Colleges and Departments
The GS Commons Team organizes all faculty under colleges and departments by default. The ADR for each college may request changes to this structure by contacting the GS Commons Team. Requests are considered on an individual basis and the Office of Research may be consulted. All changes to the organizational unit structure in GS Scholars are conducted by the GS Commons Team. The ADR for each college is responsible for maintaining any contact information or images used with the college or departments. ADRs may contact the GS Commons Team with updates, or they may make updates themselves after receiving administrator training from the GS Commons Team. The GS Commons Team will contact the Office of Research and the ADRs 2-3 times per year to solicit updates.
Research Institutes, Centers, and Labs
The GS Commons Team adds or removes research institutes, centers, and labs by request of the Office of Research or the ADR of the college to which the unit reports. Requests are considered on an individual basis and the Office of Research may be consulted. All changes to the organizational unit structure in GS Scholars are conducted by the GS Commons Team. The Office of Research or the ADR of the college to which the unit reports, is responsible for maintaining current affiliate rosters and any contact information or images used with the unit. The Office of Research or the ADRs may contact the GS Commons Team with updates, or they may make updates themselves after receiving administrator training from the GS Commons Team. The GS Commons Team will contact the Office of Research and the ADRs 2-3 times per year to solicit updates.