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Georgia Southern Scholars

GS Libraries' Statement on Metrical and Impact Data Tools

Like other metrical and impact data tools, Pure, Scopus, SciVal, PlumX, and Altmetric gather traditional and non-traditional metrics, including citations, usage counts, and social media mentions. With this data, these tools provide reports to help faculty and programs tell the story of their scholarship and creative activities.

As a provider of metrical and impact data tools, the University Libraries offer the following statements:

  • The University Libraries provide metrical and impact data tools for informational purposes only to help identify trends in how research is discovered, accessed, and used, and to identify opportunities for increasing the visibility and impact of scholarship and creative activities.
  • The accuracy and completeness of these metrical and impact data tools is impacted by many factors, including but not limited to data collection methods, quality and completeness of data, and other technical and non-technical constraints.
  • The University Libraries do not advocate or support exclusive use of any metrical or impact data tool, including Pure, Scopus, SciVal, PlumX, or Altmetric for evaluation or comparison of faculty or programs.
  • The University Libraries encourage faculty and programs to be skeptical of all metrical and impact data tools, and to consider a wide array of indicators when evaluating or comparing faculty or programs.

See also:


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