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Georgia Southern Scholars

Projects & Grants

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Projects are related scholarly activities conceptualized as a project, agenda, or theme. Projects may be supported by an individual researcher or a project team, and may be supported by one or more grants. Grants are funding awards granted by a government or other institution to an individual researcher or a project team to support scholarly projects. Project records serve as "parent" records to grant records, which allows multiple grants to be associated with one or more projects. As such, grant records must be associated with one or more project records to display in GS Scholars.

GS Scholars supports three project types:

  • Research: A scholarly project unrelated to a consultancy.
  • Consultancy: A consultancy-related scholarly project.
  • Other: A scholarly project that does not fit into any other category.

GS Scholars supports five grant types:

  • Not-for-Profit: A grant from a not-for-profit organization, including academic institutions and associations.
  • Federal Government: A grant from a federal government agency.
  • Other Government: A grant from a state or local government agency, or from a government agency outside the United States.
  • Industry: A grant from a for-profit or industrial organization.
  • Other: A grant that does not fit into any other category.

Additionally, GS Scholars supports four grant sub-types, which may be synonymous depending on the funding agency or discipline:

  • Grant: A new or initial grant.
  • Extension: A subsequent extension of an initial grant.
  • Renewal: A subsequent renewal of an initial grant.
  • Additional Funding: A subsequent award of additional funding under an initial grant.

Add or Update a Record for a Project

To add or update a record for a project, follow these instructions:

  • Create a New Record or Open an Existing Record
    Follow these instructions to create a new record or open an existing record.
  • Update the Available Updates Tab
    Follow these instructions if you open an existing record and the Available Updates tab displays.
  • Update the Metadata Tab
    For the Metadata tab, update the following sections:
    • Metadata Tab: Classifications
      For the Classifications section, complete the following required and optional fields:
      • Project Type (required)
        In the Project Type field, select the type from the dropdown that best describes the project.
        Screenshot of the project type field
      • Nature of Activity Type
        In the Nature of Activity Type field, click Add nature of activity type... to select the description that best characterizes the grant activity. Select multiple types by clicking the button again.
        Screenshot showing the process of adding the nature of activity type
    • Metadata Tab: Identification
      For the Identification section, complete the following required and optional fields:
      • Title (required)
        In the Title field, enter the title of the project.
      • Short Title
        In the Short Title field, enter a shortened version of the title.
      • Acronym
        In the Acronym field, enter any acronym for the project if applicable.
      • Description
        In the Description field, enter a brief description of the project.
      • Layman's Description
        In the Layman's Description field, enter a brief description of the project in non-specialist language.
      • Key Findings
        In the Key Findings field, enter the key findings of the project
      • IDs
        In the IDs field, add any relevant ID numbers for the project.
    • Metadata Tab: Participants
      For the Participants section, complete the following required and optional fields:
      • Related Project Participants (required)
        For the Related Project Participants section, add any person(s) or organization(s) who participated in the project by clicking Add Person... or Add Organizational unit... Remove entries by clicking on the Subtract symbol next to the name. When adding or editing a project participant, you will need to choose their role.
        • If the roles listed do not match the project, contact the GS Commons Team at
        • If relevant, indicate the percentage of academic ownership and the period of association with the project for each participant.
          Screenshot of the edit person field
    • Metadata Tab: Project Managed By
      For the Project Managed By section, complete the following required field:
      • Managing Organizational Unit (required)
        In the Managing Organizational Unit field, ensure that the department in which the first current Georgia Southern project participant holds their faculty or staff appointment appears here.
    • Metadata Tab: Collaborative Partners
      For the Collaborative Partners section, complete the following required field:
      • Collaborative Project (required)
        In the Collaborative Project field, select Yes or No to indicate any collaborative organizations involved in the project. If Yes, add one or more collaborative partners by clicking Add collaborator... then search for the organization. If the organization does not exist, click Create external organization... and complete the fields. The GS Commons Team will update the organization if needed.
        Screenshot of the process of adding a collaborator
    • Metadata Tab: Life Cycle
      For the Life Cycle section, complete the following required and optional fields:
      • Start Date & End Date
        In the Start Date & End Date fields, enter the start date and end date of the project.
        Screenshot showing the start date and end date fields
      • Curtailed
        Check the Curtailed box if the project was curtailed for any reason. Enter the date on which the project was curtailed (required) and provide a reason.
        Screenshot shoing the date of curtailment and reason for curtailment fields
    • Metadata Tab: Files and Links
      Follow these instructions to update the Files and Links section.
    • Metadata Tab: Related Applications and Grants
      Follow these instructions to update the Related Applications and Grants section.
    • Metadata Tab: Related Projects
      Follow these instructions to update the Related Projects section.
    • Metadata Tab: Research Outputs
      Follow these instructions to add any Research Outputs that resulted from the project.
    • Metadata Tab: Activities
      Follow these instructions to add any Activities that resulted from the project.
    • Metadata Tab: Prizes
      Follow these instructions to add any Prizes that resulted from the project.
    • Metadata Tab: Press/Media
      Follow these instructions to add any Press/Media activities that resulted from the project.
    • Metadata Tab: Datasets
      Follow these instructions to add any Datasets that resulted from the project.
    • Metadata Tab: Equipment
      Follow these instructions to add any Equipment that were obtained from the project.
    • Metadata Tab: Update Metadata Tab: Keywords
      Follow these instructions to update the Keywords section.
    • Metadata Tab: Update Metadata Tab: Visibility
      Follow these instructions to update the Visibility section.
  • Review the Relations Tab
    Follow these instructions to review the Relations tab.
  • Update the Fingerprints Tab
    Follow these instructions to update the Fingerprints tab.
  • Update the History and Comments Tab
    Follow these instructions to update the History and Comments tab.

Add or Update a Record for a Grant

To add or update a record for a grant, follow these instructions:

  • Create a New Record or Open an Existing Record
    Follow these instructions to create a new record or open an existing record.
  • Update the Available Updates Tab
    Follow these instructions if you open an existing record and the Available Updates tab displays.
  • Update the Metadata Tab
    For the Metadata tab, update the following sections:
    • Metadata Tab: Identification
      For the Identification section, complete the following required and optional fields:
      • Grant Type (required)
        In the Grant Type field, select the type from the dropdown that best describes the grant.
        Screenshot of the grant type field
      • Nature of Activity Type
        In the Nature of Activity Type field, click Add nature of activity type... to select the description that best characterizes the grant activity. Select multiple types by clicking the button again.
        Screenshot of the process of adding the nature of an activity type
      • Title
        In the Title field, enter the title of the grant.
      • Short Title
        In the Short Title field, enter a shortened version of the title.
      • Acronym
        In the Acronym field, enter an acronym for the grant if applicable.
      • Description
        In the Description field, enter a brief description of the grant.
      • IDs
        In the IDs field, add any relevant ID numbers for the grant.
    • Metadata Tab: Grant Holders
      For the Grant Holders section, complete the following required and optional fields:
      • Related Grant Holders (required)
        For the Related Grant Holders section, click Add Person... or Add Organizational unit... to add the person(s) or organization(s) who hold the grant. Remove entries by clicking on the Subtract symbol next to the name. When adding or editing a grant holder, you will need to choose their role.
        • If the roles listed do not match the grant, contact the GS Commons team at
        • If relevant, indicate the percentage of academic ownership and the period of association with the grant for each grant holder.
          Screenshot of the edit person field
    • Metadata Tab: Grant Managed By
      For the Grant Managed By section, complete the following required field:
      • Managing Organizational Unit (required)
        In the Managing Organizational Unit field, ensure that the department in which the first current Georgia Southern grant holder holds their faculty or staff appointment appears here.
    • Metadata Tab: Collaborative Partners
      For the Collaborative Partners section, complete the following required field:
      • Collaborative Grant (required)
        In the Collaborative Grant field, select Yes or No to indicate whether there are any collaborative organizations involved in the grant. If Yes is selected, add one or more collaborative partners by clicking Add collaborator... then search for the organization. If the organization does not exist, click Create external organization... and complete the fields. The GS Commons Team will update the organization if needed.
        Screenshot of the process of adding a collaborator
    • Metadata Tab: Funding
      For the Funding section, complete the following required field:
      • Funding (required)
        For the Funding field, click Add Funding... and complete the following required and optional sections:
        • Funding Organization
          For the Funding Organization section, complete the following required and optional fields:
          • External Organization (required)
            Click External Organization and search for the organization funding the grant. If the organization does not exist, click Create New and complete the fields. The GS Commons Team will update the organization if needed.
          • Funding Project Scheme
            In the Funding Project Scheme field, enter any relevant project scheme information as appropriate.
        • Financial Summary
          For the Financial Summary section, complete the following required and optional fields:
          • Financial
            In the Financial field, select whether the grant award was Financial or Non-Financial.
            • If Financial is selected, complete the following required and optional fields:
              • Awarded Amount in Awarded Currency
                In the Awarded Amount in Awarded Currency fields, enter the value of the award in the original currency. If the original currency was U.S. dollars, leave these fields blank. If the currency is not listed, contact the GS Commons team at
              • Awarded Amount (required)
                In the Awarded Amount field, enter the value of the award in U.S. dollars.
            • If Non-Financial is selected, complete the following optional fields:
              • Estimated Value
                In the Estimated Value field, enter the estimated value of the award in U.S. dollars.
              • Description
                In the Description field, enter a brief description of the award.
        • Split Between the Collaborative Partners
          For the Split Between the Collaborative Partners section, first complete the Collaborative Partners section on the Metadata tab, then complete the following optional fields for each listed collaborator:
          • Institutional Part
            In the Institutional Part field, enter the contribution to the project in U.S. dollars provided by the collaborative partner as specified in the grant.
          • Institutional Contribution
            In the Institutional Contribution field, enter the actual amount of the collaborative partner's contribution to the project in U.S. dollars.
          • Institutional FEC
            In the Institutional FEC field, enter in U.S. dollars the economic cost of the project to the collaborative partner, including all direct and indirect costs.
          • FEC %
            In the FEC % field, enter the percentage of the total economic cost of the project undertaken by the collaborative partner, including all direct and indirect costs.
        • Visibility
          In the visibility section, select the desired visibility status for the funding information:
          • Public - No restriction: The content is visible on the GS Scholars portal.
          • Campus - Restricted to specific IP range: The content is visible on the GS Scholars portal, but only if the viewer is inside the University's IP range.
          • Backend - Restricted to Pure users: The content is visible only on the administrative "back end" to others logged in with a GS Scholars account.
    • Metadata Tab: Life Cycle
      For the Life Cycle section, complete the following required and optional fields:
      • Actual Start Date & Actual End Date Fields
        In the Start Date and End Date fields, enter the actual start date and end date of the grant.
      • Exp. Start Date & Exp. End Date Fields
        In the Exp. Start Date and Exp. End Date fields, enter the expected start date and end date of the grant.
      • Award Date (required)
        In the Award Date field, enter the date that the grant was awarded.
      • Extended & Curtailed Fields
        Check the Extended and/or Curtailed boxes if the grant was extended or curtailed.
        • Extended
          If the Extended box is checked, enter the date to which the grant was extended (required) and the date that the extension was granted.
          Screen shot of the extended end date and date of extension fields
        • Curtailed
          If the Curtailed box is checked, enter the date on which the grant was curtailed (required) and provide a reason.
          Screenshot of the date of curtailment and reason for curtailment fields
    • Metadata Tab: Files and Links
      Follow these instructions to update the Files and Links section.
    • Metadata Tab: Related Project
      Follow these instructions to update the Related Project section.
    • Metadata Tab: Related Applications
      Do not use this section.
    • Metadata Tab: Related Grants
      Follow these instructions to update the Related Grants section.
    • Metadata Tab: Keywords
      Follow these instructions to update the Keywords section.
    • Metadata Tab: Visibility
      Follow these instructions to update the Visibility section.
  • Review the Relations Tab
    Follow these instructions to review the Relations tab.
  • Update the Fingerprints Tab
    Follow these instructions to update the Fingerprints tab.
  • Update the History and Comments Tab
    Follow these instructions to update the History and Comments tab.


For help, contact the GS Commons Team at A team member will respond as soon as possible during regular business hours.