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Georgia Southern Scholars


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Activities are professional pursuits undertaken in support of scholarship or research. GS Scholars supports several activity types organized into the following categories. Click on the name of the category for more:

  • Consultancy
    Activities related to serving as a scholarly or research consultant.
    Activity type(s): Consultant
  • Examination
    Examination-related activities, including serving on an examination committee.
    Activity type(s): Examiner
  • Hosting a visitor
    Activities related to hosting an individual from another research institution.
    Activity type(s): ​Host
  • Membership
    Activities related to serving as a member of an association, board, committee, council, network, etc.
    Activity type(s): Association member, Board member, Committee member, Council member, Network member
  • Participating in or organizing an event
    Event-related activities, including attending or organizing a conference, meeting, symposium, workshop, etc.
    Activity type(s): Organizer, Participant
  • Peer-review and editorial work
    Activities related to serving as a peer reviewer or editor.
    Activity type(s): Peer-review work, Editorial work
  • Talk or presentation
    Activities related to delivering an invited talk or oral presentation.
    Activity type(s): Invited talk, Oral presentation
  • Visiting an external institution
    Activities related to visiting an external institution.
    Activity type(s): Visitor
  • Other Activity
    Activities that do not fit into any other category.
    Activity type(s): Other

Add or Update a Record for a Consultancy

GS Scholars supports one activity type in this category:

  • Consultant: An activity related to serving as a scholarly or research consultant.

To add or update a record, follow these instructions:

More information coming soon.

Add or Update a Record for an Examination

GS Scholars supports one activity type in this category:

  • Examiner: An examination-related activity, including serving on an examination committee.

To add or update a record, follow these instructions:

More information coming soon.

Add or Update a Record for Hosting a Visitor

GS Scholars supports one activity type in this category:

  • Host: An activity related to hosting an individual from another research institution.

To add or update a record, follow these instructions:

More information coming soon.

Add or Update a Record for a Membership

GS Scholars supports five activity types in this category:

  • Association member: An activity related to serving as a member of an association.
  • Board member: An activity related to serving as a member of a board.
  • Committee member: An activity related to serving as a member of a committee.
  • Council member: An activity related to serving as a member of a council.
  • Network member: An activity related to serving as a member of a network.

To add or update a record, follow these instructions:

More information coming soon.

Add or Update a Record for Participating in or Organizing an Event

GS Scholars supports two activity types in this category:

  • Organizer: An activity related to organizing a conference, meeting, symposium, workshop, etc.
  • Participant: An activity related to attending or participating in a conference, meeting, symposium, workshop, etc.

To add or update a record, follow these instructions:

More information coming soon.

Add or Update a Record for Peer-Review or Editorial Work

GS Scholars supports two activity types in this category:

  • Peer-review work: An activity related to serving as a peer reviewer.
  • Editorial work: An activity related to serving as an editor.

To add or update a record, follow these instructions:

More information coming soon.

Add or Update a Record for a Talk or Presentation

GS Scholars supports two activity types in this category:

  • Invited talk: An activity related to delivering an invited talk.
  • Oral presentation: An activity related to delivering an oral presentation.

To add or update a record, follow these instructions:

More information coming soon.

Add or Update a Record for Visiting an External Institution

GS Scholars supports one activity type in this category:

  • Visitor: An activity related to visiting an external institution.

To add or update a record, follow these instructions:

More information coming soon.

Add or Update an Other Activity Record

GS Scholars supports one activity type in this category:

  • Other: An activity that does not fit into any other category.

To add or update a record, follow these instructions:

More information coming soon.


For help, contact the GS Commons Team at A team member will respond as soon as possible during regular business hours.