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Georgia Southern Scholars


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Activities are professional pursuits undertaken in support of scholarship. GS Scholars supports several activity types organized into the following categories. Click on the name of the category for more:

  • Consultancy
    Activities related to serving as a consultant related to your scholarly expertise.
    Activity type(s): Consultant
  • Examination
    Examination-related activities, including serving on an examination committee.
    Activity type(s): Examiner
  • Hosting a Visitor
    Activities related to hosting an individual from another research institution.
    Activity type(s): ​Host
  • Membership
    Activities related to serving as a member of an association, board, committee, council, network, etc.
    Activity type(s): Association member, Board member, Committee member, Council member, Network member
  • Participating in or Organizing an Event
    Event-related activities, including attending or organizing a conference, meeting, symposium, workshop, etc.
    Activity type(s): Organizer, Participant
  • Peer-Review and Editorial Work
    Activities related to serving as a peer reviewer or editor.
    Activity type(s): Peer-review work, Editorial work
  • Talk or Presentation
    Activities related to delivering an invited talk or oral presentation.
    Activity type(s): Invited talk, Oral presentation
  • Visiting an External Institution
    Activities related to visiting an external institution.
    Activity type(s): Visitor
  • Other Activity
    Activities that do not fit into any other category.
    Activity type(s): Other

Add or Update a Record for a Consultancy

GS Scholars supports one activity type in this category:

  • Consultant: An activity related to serving as a consultant related to your scholarly expertise.

To add or update a record for a Consultant activity, follow these steps:

Add or Update a Record for an Examination

GS Scholars supports one activity type in this category:

  • Examiner: An examination-related activity, including serving on an examination committee

To add or update a record for an Examiner activity, follow these steps:

Add or Update a Record for Hosting a Visitor

GS Scholars supports one activity type in this category:

  • Host: An activity related to hosting an individual from another research institution

To add or update a record for a Host activity, follow these steps:

Add or Update a Record for a Membership

GS Scholars supports five activity types in this category:

  • Association Member: An activity related to serving as a member of an association.
  • Board Member: An activity related to serving as a member of a board.
  • Committee Member: An activity related to serving as a member of a committee.
  • Council Member: An activity related to serving as a member of a council.
  • Network Member: An activity related to serving as a member of a network

To add or update a record for an Association Member, Board Member, Committee Member, Council Member, or Network Member activity, follow these steps:

Add or Update a Record for Participating in or Organizing an Event

GS Scholars supports two activity types in this category:

  • Organizer: An activity related to organizing a conference, meeting, symposium, workshop, etc.
  • Participant: An activity related to attending or participating in a conference, meeting, symposium, workshop, etc

To add or update a record for an Organizer or Participant activity, follow these steps:

Add or Update a Record for Peer-Review or Editorial Work

GS Scholars supports two activity types in this category:

  • Peer-Review Work: An activity related to serving as a peer reviewer.
  • Editorial Work: An activity related to serving as an editor

To add or update a record for a Peer-Review Work or an Editorial Work activity, follow these steps:

Add or Update a Record for a Talk or Presentation

GS Scholars supports two activity types in this category:

  • Invited Talk: An activity related to delivering an invited talk.
  • Oral Presentation: An activity related to delivering an oral presentation

To add or update a record for an Invited Talk or Oral Presentation activity, follow these steps:

Add or Update a Record for Visiting an External Institution

GS Scholars supports one activity type in this category:

  • Visitor: An activity related to visiting an external institution

To add or update a record for a Visitor activity, follow these steps:

Add or Update an Other Activity Record

GS Scholars supports one activity type in this category:

  • Other: An activity that does not fit into any other category

To add or update a record for an Other activity, follow these steps:


For help, contact the GS Commons Team at A team member will respond as soon as possible during regular business hours.