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FMAD 1110: Fashion Fundamentals Textbook
7.1 Sample Sales vs Trunk Shows
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FMAD 1110: Fashion Fundamentals Textbook: 7.1 Sample Sales vs Trunk Shows
Module 1: 100 Years of Fashion
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1900s Fashion
1910s Fashion
1920s Fashion
1930s Fashion
1940s Fashion
1950s Fashion
1960s Fashion
1970s Fashion
1980s Fashion
1990s Fashion
21st Century Fashion
Fashion Designers
Module 2: Fashion Trends
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2.1 Fads & Trends
2.2 Fashion Life Cycle
2.3 Trend Forecasting
2.4 Color Trends
2.5 Fashion Snoops Trend Forecasting Site
2.6 Factors Impacting Trends
2.7 Shifting Trends
2.8 Cotton Trends
Module 3: Target Market
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3.1 Geographics & Demographics
3.2 Psychographics & Behavioristics
3.3 VALS & PRIZM Frameworks
Module 4: Fashion Business
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4.1 Business Ownership
4.2 Business of Fashion
Module 5: Textiles
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5.1 Textile Production
5.2 The Story of Microfibers
5.3 Fiber Science
5.4 Cotton Home Textiles
Moduel 6: Product Development
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6.1 Fashion Seasons
6.2 Product Development Stages
6.3 Product Development Technology
6.4 Garment Manufacturing
Module 7: Womenswear
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7.1 Sample Sales vs Trunk Shows
7.2 Womenswear Trends by Decade
7.3 Womenswear Fashion Shows
Module 8: Menswear
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8. Menswear Trends By Decade
8.2 Menswear Fashion Shows
Module 9: Childrenswear
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9.1 Childrenswear Trends
9.2 School Uniforms
Module 10: Fashion Careers
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10.1 Visual Merchandiser
10.2 Buyer
10.3 Trend Forecaster
10.4 Business of Fashion Careers
Bonus Module: Sustainability
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Cotton Sustainability
Sample Sales vs Trunk Shows
Sample Sales vs Trunk Shows
Module 7: Womenswear
7.2 Womenswear Trends by Decade >>
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