1900s Fashion
(The Belle Époque, or The
Edwardian Age)
The 1900s were marked by some of the following significant events and resulting fashions highlighted for this decade. See below the fashions that evolved as a result of some of these events!
Thinking Point: Can you guess which fashions emerged due to which events? Try to match a fashion style to a historic event below and explain why you think that event caused that fashion to come about.
Image Source: Health Inspection of Immigrants in the 19th Century (7844851684).jpg
Image Source: "Ladies cycle race, 1900" by State Library of South Australia is licensed under CC BY 2.0.
Image Source: "Robert Simpson Co. White Goods Catalogue. 1901" by Toronto Public Library Special Collections is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.
Image Source: "Les Colchiques - Manteau de voyage de Paquin [Autumn crocus -- Traveling coat by Paquin]" by MCAD Library is licensed under CC BY 2.0.
Image Source: "1865 Sissi - Empress of Austria" by charleybrown77 is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0.
Image Source: "Gibson Girls Drawing 9 of 16" by Atlanta Magpie is licensed under CC BY 2.0.