1940s Fashion
Highlights from the 1940s included the following events and corresponding fashion. Try to determine which events influenced which fashions.
• World War II (WWII) was from 1941-1945, and while men went overseas to fight, many women went to work in factories doing men's jobs. Thus, women working in factories and shipyards to produce war supplies (represented by Rosie the Riveter, see picture below) began to wear more masculine apparel to do men's jobs in the factories. Can you name some of the specific fashions that became more acceptable for women to wear due to their involvement in doing factory work that may have not been acceptable in previous decades? How do the fashion styles benefit the wearer in factory work? Why do you think these fashions became acceptable outside of the factory? Why do you think these fashions are still acceptable today?
Image Source: "Rosie-the-Riveter" by SBT4NOW is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.
Rationing materials for the war effort included doing away with nylons (this material was used for parachutes), making swimsuits into bikinis, and wearing open-toed shoes to conserve on fabric use. Some popular styles included shoulder pads, suits, scarf head coverings, and pencil lines drawn on the back of the calf for “fake stockings."
Image Source: Life in Tokyo in 1940s
Image Source: Damesschoen van verguld leer met open teen met acht tongvormige banden die de zool verbinden met het voorblad, BK-1973-515.jpg
• Dior’s New Look was launched in 1947 after the war to bring back full skirts, small waist lines, and an overall more feminine look to do away with the masculine attire worn during the war.
Image Source: Christian Dior “Goemon” coat