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FMAD 1110: Fashion Fundamentals Textbook: Module 4: Fashion Business

Fashion Business

Fashion Business

The Fashion Business can be divided into 4 main categories:

  • The Primary Level- This level involves Raw Fashion Material Producers. This level involves fibers and yarns either created in labs or harvested from plants/animals on farms to make greige goods, which are unfinished fabrics that are not dyed, etc. This level sells to the secondary level.

CSIRO ScienceImage 3251 Cotton boll.jpg

Image Source: Cotton Boll

  • The Secondary Level- This level has to do mainly with making products from the primary level's raw materials before going to the retail level and involves designers, manufacturers, contractors, wholesalers, and vendors. This level sells to the retail level.


Image Source: Couture-militaire.JPG

  • The Retail Level- This level involves selling products made at the secondary level and includes department stores, wholesalers, boutiques, factory outlets, discount stores, chain stores, specialty stores, superstores, mass merchants, flea market, category killers, mom-and-pop shops, and e-commerce who sell directly to the consumer.

Men's dress shirt

Image Source: White shirt

  • The Auxiliary Level- This level has to do with supporting all other levels including the consumer by involving magazines, newspapers, advertising agencies, stylists, bloggers, social media marketers, trade associations, fashion forecasters, buyers, visual merchandisers, consultants, product development offices, research agencies, etc. 


Image Source: Van Gils - Spring Summer 2019 collection

Thinking Point: What level of the fashion business do you see yourself working in? What job are you interested in within that level and why?