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FMAD 1110: Fashion Fundamentals Textbook: 1920s Fashion

1920s Fashion

1920s Fashion

This section covers fashions from the 1920s. Here are a few highlights from this decade. Try to think of what fashion changes occurred due to certain events.

Historic Events

“Flappers” were fashionable unconventional young women who wore short hemline skirts, bobbed hair, and refused to wear corsets.

Cinema influenced fashion.
Crash of the stock market occurred.
Jazz music (Louis Armstrong) influenced fashion for dancing.

Dance called the Charleston and Lindy Hop were popular.

Corresponding Fashion Changes

No waistline and short skirts were typical attire. Knee length hems, fringe, beads, long necklaces, and bobbed hair were the latest styles.


Designer Coco Chanel (pictured below) created casual looks and made the iconic little black dress look popular, Patou’s pleated skirts with pullover tops for sports, and Vionnet's handkerchief asymmetrical hem were popular.
CoCo Chanel
US ready-to-wear knocked off Parisian designs.