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FMAD 1110: Fashion Fundamentals Textbook: 1910s Fashion

1910s Fashion

1910s Fashion

Here are a few of the highlights of the 1910s and the fashions that typify this decade. Try to match which fashions may have emerged due certain events and explain why.

Historic Events


Ford Model T car introduced in 1908.

Ford Model T

Image Source: "1913 Ford Model T Ad" by * Five Starr Photos * is licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0.

World War I (WWI) led to shorter hemlines to conserve fabric during the war.


Hollywood and the foxtrot dance influenced the fashions of the time.

Fox trot dance

Image Source: Vernon and Irene Castle2.jpg

Titanic ship sinks in 1912.


Corresponding Fashion Changes

Turbans and bohemian styles were influential.

Bohemian style

Image Source: VeraKholodna.jpg

Fortuny pleated silks were showcased during this decade.

Fortuny Silk

Image Source: "Fortuny Dress, 3-Piece" by national museum of american history is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0.

Paul Poiret was a prominent fashion design for this decade.


Image Source: Iribe Les Robes de Paul Poiret p.21.jpg