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FMAD 1110: Fashion Fundamentals Textbook: 1950s Fashion

1950s fashion

1950s Fashion

The following events influenced 1950s fashion. Consider how these events changed fashion for the better and/or the worse.

Historic Events

"I love Lucy" TV show era and Doris Day movies/ads.

I love Lucy Show

Image Source: Lucille Ball

Doris Day

Image Source: RC 1951 w Doris Day (8111764171).png

Rosa Parks is a prominent figure during the civil rights boycotting movement.


Rosa Parks

Image Source: "Rosa Parks defies segregation on Alabama bus" by Chris Green is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.

Elvis Presley music is popularized.

Barbie doll fashion icon emerges (1959).


Image Source: Capitu (ou Marcela) A cara de má da primeira Barbie

Grace Kelly American actress becomes Princess of Monaco in 1956.

Grace Kelly

Image Source: Grace Kelly

Corresponding Fashion Changes

Full-skirts (what influence on the left would make full skirts go swoosh?), stilettos, poodle skirt (Fun Trivia: Guess which person on the left owned a black poodle named Oliver?), ballerina shoes, sports jackets, and jeans (why were jeans more popular--think back to what happened a decade earlier?) are popular fashions.

Prominent Fashion Designers include Chanel, Dior, Charles James (see below). Which person(s) on the left would probably have worn these garments and why?

Charles James

Image Source: "Various Charles James gowns" by C-Monster is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0.