1950s Fashion
The following events influenced 1950s fashion. Consider how these events changed fashion for the better and/or the worse.
• "I love Lucy" TV show era and Doris Day movies/ads.
Image Source: Lucille Ball
Image Source: RC 1951 w Doris Day (8111764171).png
• Rosa Parks is a prominent figure during the civil rights boycotting movement.
Image Source: "Rosa Parks defies segregation on Alabama bus" by Chris Green is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.
• Elvis Presley music is popularized.
• Barbie doll fashion icon emerges (1959).
Image Source: Capitu (ou Marcela) A cara de má da primeira Barbie
• Grace Kelly American actress becomes Princess of Monaco in 1956.
Image Source: Grace Kelly
• Full-skirts (what influence on the left would make full skirts go swoosh?), stilettos, poodle skirt (Fun Trivia: Guess which person on the left owned a black poodle named Oliver?), ballerina shoes, sports jackets, and jeans (why were jeans more popular--think back to what happened a decade earlier?) are popular fashions.
• Prominent Fashion Designers include Chanel, Dior, Charles James (see below). Which person(s) on the left would probably have worn these garments and why?
Image Source: "Various Charles James gowns" by C-Monster is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0.