Adaptive Apparel DesignThis instructional text and designer resources have been prepared to support those learning about adaptive apparel design. The text is easy for students, scholars, and designers to use, and is organized around the apparel design process: research, sketching, developing a sample notebook, mood or inspiration board, pattern work, first sample, and the completed ensemble. Users can read from beginning to end or jump into resources related to their current phase of design.
Aerodynamics and Aircraft Performanceis a 236-page introduction to aircraft aerodynamics and performance. The objective of this text is to provide a “stand alone” coverage of basic, subsonic, aircraft performance preceded by an introduction to the basics of aerodynamics that will provide a background sufficient to the understanding of the subjects to be studied in aircraft performance.
Basic Scientific Food Preparation Lab ManualThis lab book is intended for use in both the lab and kitchen. Each section of the book contains learning objectives, lab problems to be solved, recipes, questions, and observation charts for the input of data.
Contemporary Issues in Sportsintroduce students to some of the fields of social and business sciences that impact the way we organize and perform sport and recreation in the United States.
Creating Cultural CompetenceThis book was written to provide an introduction to cultural competence. The book is broken into video chapters that focus on the five developmental orientations of cultural competence, based on the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI). The videos utilize voices of how students define and create cultural competence in their communities. These videos are appropriate for high school and college campus initiatives and classes, organization, and community trainings.
Critical Perspectives on Technology and the FamilyThis comprehensive text offers a balanced perspective of family life, member development and relationships, and professional use through contemporary research, learning activities and more. selected chapters can supplement reading in courses on child development, family life, couple relationships, modern society, or what have you. Perhaps it will serve as some kind of a personal or professional reference. The learning activities and blog prompts and reading lists can work as stand alone items or as inspiration for teaching and learning. Please use it as best serves your interest
A CURE for everyone: A guide to implementing Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiencesa review of the literature on Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs) and present original data from a survey of instructors at the Ohio State University. The main goal of this publication is to be a practical guide for teachers wishing to develop and implements this type of High-Impact Practice in their course. As such, I cover many aspects of the development of a CURE, including advice on research development, group formation and management, evaluation and grading, inclusive teaching, and assignment design. A large number of activity templates and resources accompany the text to facilitate classroom implementation.
Economics for Life Real-World Financial LiteracyDesigned to help soon-to-be college graduates start their "real lives" with a better understanding of how to analyze the financial decisions that they will soon have to make. Written in an easy-to-read, conversational style, this textbook will help students learn how to make decisions on saving and investing for retirement, buying a car, buying a home, as well as how to safely navigate the use of debit and credit cards.
Everyday Social Justice Using simple words to talk about equity and oppressionThis site is funded through an Open Educational Resources grant, and the idea is to get teachers to ditch the expensive textbooks and focus on free materials. That means you can use anything and everything you find on this site. There’s also some nerdy behind-the-scenes stuff for teachers to think through.
Food Product Development Lab ManualA practical how-to illustrating the process of developing a new food product from ideation and formulation to processing and lastly commercialization. This book highlights the overall process and gives instructions for each of the steps along the way.
Food Studies: Matter, Meaning, MovementFood Studies aims to help readers understand and address numerous issues within food, food culture, and food systems. These subjects transcend disciplinary boundaries and call attention to how matter, meaning, and movement produce complex and dynamic food-human realities. Chapters range from sovereignty to breastfeeding, financialization to food porn, pollination to fair trade. Embedded throughout, art, poetry, illustration, and audiovisual works offer moments to reflect on and synthesize the text-based entries. Through reading, classroom discussion, and engaging with the extensive pedagogical tools, learners and teachers alike may acquire a new sense of things foodish—along with a new sense of their own place and role within food systems themselves.
From Fashion to Food: Students Explore Waste and Sustainability from Local and Global PerspectivesWaste. We know we have a problem with it. We are living in a society that values consumption; looking for the cheapest and most convenient products. The result of our disposable lifestyle is waste.
In September 2022, students from Centennial College’s Community Development Work Program did a deep dive into the topic of waste. They began their Sustainable Community Development class with a challenge to not produce any waste for a week. Students started bringing their thermoses to school, their reusable shopping bags to the store, and their Tupperware to take out places. But in reflection we realized it was hard, almost impossible, to get to zero waste.
While some waste is obvious—like coffee cups in garbage cans—other types of waste are harder to see. What remains of the cheap clothes we throw away? Where do broken cell phones end up? What happens to all those disposable medical masks?
As a class we dug into these topics and produced a book exploring six different dimensions of waste: fashion, plastics in the ocean, e-waste, food waste, sewage, and medical waste. Small groups of students worked on each topic and came back together to teach each other about what they were learning. The class was made up of students from around the world, and so they researched the topic of waste in Canada, but also drew on their experiences to research the topics globally in countries like the Philippines, India, and China. Students also highlighted one article per topic that brought new perspectives to their research.
A Guide to Academic PodcastingOpen educational resource for current and future Amplify podcasters, and anyone interested in how to approach academic podcasting.
Individual and Family Development, Health, and Well-beingThis book provides an overview of lifespan developmental tasks (physical, cognitive, language, social, emotional) examined from individual and family theoretical perspectives. It covers topics related to families, diversity, individual and family health and well-being, and reciprocal relationships as affected by external factors.
Introduction to Exercise Science for Fitness ProfessionalsThis OER textbook is a resource used to support the Exercise Science course at Mt. Hood Community College as part of the Fitness Professional Certificate program and Exercise and Sport Science transfer degree. This textbook supplies key components of a background in anatomy, biomechanics, human physiology, fitness program components, and strategies for performance adaptations and progression used for developing and optimizing fitness for health and performance.
Introduction to PhilosophyDesigned to meet the scope and sequence of your course, Introduction to Philosophy surveys logic, metaphysics, epistemology, theories of value, and history of philosophy thematically. To provide a strong foundation in global philosophical discourse, diverse primary sources and examples are central to the design, and the text emphasizes engaged reading, critical thinking, research, and analytical skill-building through guided activities.
Making Ripples: A Guidebook to Challenge Status Quo in OER Creationa short resource designed to expand your understanding of inequities in the educational systems through breaking down the work into smaller pieces with opportunities for you to reflect, identify strategies for action, and locate resources and community members to connect with. The purpose of this guide is to explore strategies for you as OER creators to incorporate equitable practices into your workflows.
MyClassMagMy Class Mag is an educational company that supports educators and organizations to launch classroom magazines. We are committed to language learning and digital literacy guided by Open Education practices.
North Dakota Tribal History and Culture SeriesThe North Dakota Tribal History & Culture book series teaches students about the Indigenous nations that share geography with the state. The goal of the series is for North Dakotans from these nations to explain their cultures in their own words. The books were written by experts, scholars, and elders from each nation, with review by the North Dakota Tribal College System (NDTCS). The provided content is distributed by the North Dakota Department of Public Instruction (NDDPI), the North Dakota University System (NDUS), and NDTCS. The original books were released from 1995-2002, with a revised edition released in 2024. The books are used in the 8th grade and high school North Dakota Studies classes, as well as in higher education. The revision was prompted by the passage of North Dakota Senate Bill 2304 in 2021, which mandates that all elementary and secondary public and nonpublic schools include Native American history and culture in their curriculums.
The Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate nation (Dakota: Sisíthuŋwaŋ Waȟpéthuŋwaŋ oyáte) also shares geography with North Dakota. However, the original four History & Culture books did not include a fifth book for Sisseton Wahpeton because Agency Village, its capitol, is outside the state. In North Dakota, the general vicinity around the Lake Traverse Indian Reservation is referred to as "South Dakota."
Nutrition: Science and Everyday ApplicationThe book covers basic nutrition and metabolism, information literacy, energy balance, nutrition across life stages, dietary supplements, an in-depth look at each of the macronutrients, and major functions of vitamins and minerals.
oertransportWe are a consortium of faculty, OER libraries, and instructional design services at the University of Texas-Arlington (UTA), California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo (Cal Poly) and the University of South Florida (USF) aiming to:
Eliminate textbook costs in transportation planning in selected courses at collaborating institutions in Texas, California, and Florida.
Expand OER-enabled education in transportation planning—an in-demand occupation.
To accomplish these goals, we leverage the Mavs Open Press operated by UTA Libraries, each institution’s OER libraries and OER expertise, learning management system, and centers for teaching and learning excellence. We collaborate through our established network: the Center for Transportation, Equity, Decisions and Dollars (C-TEDD), a transportation research center based at UTA, and with our respective metropolitan stakeholders, transportation agencies and employers. The project sponsored by the Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE) in the U.S. Department of Education was awarded in January 2021 and follows a three-phase approach to OER creation, implementation, and dissemination.
Open Knowledge Institutions: Reinventing UniversitiesThe future of the university as an open knowledge institution that institutionalizes diversity and contributes to a common resource of knowledge: a manifesto.
In this book, a diverse group of authors—including open access pioneers, science communicators, scholars, researchers, and university administrators—offer a bold proposition: universities should become open knowledge institutions, acting with principles of openness at their center and working across boundaries and with broad communities to generate shared knowledge resources for the benefit of humanity. Calling on universities to adopt transparent protocols for the creation, use, and governance of these resources, the authors draw on cutting-edge theoretical work, offer real-world case studies, and outline ways to assess universities' attempts to achieve openness.
Our Voices: A Guide to Citing Personal Experience and Interviews in ResearchOur hope is that this guide to citing personal experience and interviews meets our goal of supporting students to produce their own knowledge, as well as honoring the academic value of their lived experience and the experiences of their families and communities. Through the use of a set of guidelines we created for students to cite personal experience and interviews, we found students self-reported increase in engagement and success in academic assignments. We propose this set of guidelines are an important practical tool for critical, feminist, and anti-racist pedagogy, as well as a method for teaching ethical research.
Preparing to PublishThis book offers a wealth of instructional material on the topic of research article writing for publication and thesis or dissertation completion. The text provides graduate student writers with helpful information, strategies, and tips on navigating disciplinary writing in their fields and how to understand, dissect, and ultimately, construct their own research article. The text is organized according to a standard research article format, breaking down each section of the empirical research in a simple and straightforward manner to help graduate students build a quality, argument-driven manuscript as they write up their empirical study findings.
Sustainable Property ManagementSustainable Property Management is a 150-page, peer-reviewed open textbook intended for students majoring in property management and real estate at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. It can be incorporated into an existing property management operations course or used for a stand-alone course focused on sustainable property management. Although sustainability, as used in the real estate context, is about preserving the environment, it is about more than that.
Urban Literacy: Learning to Read the City Around YouThis book introduces students to the basic concepts of urban studies. It is an interdisciplinary text that was developed for lower-division undergraduate students.