This collection consists of materials documenting the activities of the Statesboro Branch of the American Association on University Women (AAUW). Materials include meeting minutes, scrapbooks, publicity, yearbooks, and other materials spanning 1939 to 1993.
Guy H. Wells was the former president of South Georgia Teachers College (now Georgia Southern University), from 1926-1934. The collection consists primarily of papers, notes, and letters written by Guy H. Wells. Materials additionally include a diary, a scarpbook containing papers written by Wells and news clippings mentioning his accomplishments, and a CD.
Papers of Georiga Southern faculty member, Bronislaw Marion "Bruno" Bak. Materials span from 1973 to 1981 and include correspondence, teaching materials, student papers, and artworks. Of particular note are documents pertaining to Bak' work on the window for St. John's Abbey in Collegeville, Minnesota and the 1980 biography by son, Clements R. Bak.
This collection consists of Dr. Fielding Dillard Russell's professional files during his tenure as Professor of English and Chair of the Department of Languages at Georgia Southern College. Materials include correspondence, clippings, class notes, student work, and articles on English literature. Some materials and photographs provide genealogical information on the Russell family.
Dr. Ronald J. Neil (1902-1991), a Kansas native, lived in Statesboro for 54 years. He recieved his B.A. & B.S. degrees from Kansas Wesleyan University, M.A.'s from the Univerity of Iowa and Syracuse University, and his doctorate from George Peabody University. He was Music professor at Georgia Southern for several decades, retiring in 1970.
This collection consists of the personal and research papers of David Alexander Ruffin, Professor Emeritus of English, Georgia Southern College. Materials span 1939 to 1996 and include papers, literary works, diaries, letters, photographs, and negatives.
This collection consists of the appointment booklets of Dr. Pope A. Duncan from 1920-2003. These materials span his years as president of South Georgia College, Georgia Southern College (1971-1976), Stetson University (1977-1987), and his later retirement.