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Scholarly Communications at Georgia Southern University

Resources and services to support faculty and graduate students' scholarly work from conception to publication and promotion

Scholarly Communications Newsletter - Jan/Feb 2025

Scholarly Communications Newsletter - January/February 2025

Resource Update

Cabell's Journalytics Academic Is Now Available

The University Libraries are pleased to announce that we have restored access to Cabell's Journalytics Academic (formerly Cabell's "Whitelist" and "Predatory Reports"). Journalytics Academic was previously supported by GALILEO and is now supported by the Libraries.

Journalytics Academic is your complete source for journal info, evaluation metrics, and submission details. This database collects relevant information about medical and academic journals in order to help research professionals. Through continued partnerships with major academic publishers, journal editors, scholarly societies, accreditation agencies, and other independent databases, Journalytics Academic provides accurate, up-to-date information about academic journals to universities worldwide.

Journalytics Academic gives decision data, benchmarks and context for thousands of reputable academic journals. This database is designed for academia and covers journals of all sizes and specialties from every field. More information about Journalytics Academic can be found here. See also Cabell's User Guide.

The Cabell's website has been extensively updated, so the University Libraries will be offering workshops through the Faculty Center again this semester to familiarize faculty with the new interface. Registration links can be found on the Faculty Center's Workshops Calendar or our Scholarly Communications workshops page.

Upcoming Workshops

Upcoming Workshops in January & February

The Metaliteracy: Scholarly Communications (MSC) badge track assists faculty and graduate students with building knowledge of and skills in Scholarly Communications. Workshops will cover topics throughout the research and publication lifecycle: author identifiers and scholarly profiles; author metrics and impact; intellectual property; author rights & scholarly publication; and data management planning and curation services. Faculty can earn a digital badge by completing 4 or more workshops in this track.

Workshops will be offered as synchronous Zoom sessions. You may register on the Faculty Center's Training Page (or follow the links below) and the Zoom link will be shared with you by the Faculty Center:

Introduction to Georgia Southern Scholars: Update and Enhance Your Personal Profile, Jan. 29, 10:00 am; Jan. 30, 10:00 am (Zoom); Facilitator: Jeff Mortimore

Georgia Southern Scholars, the University’s new scholarly profile platform for faculty, is hosted on Elsevier Pure, the world’s leading research information management system (RIMS). Sometimes called “current research information systems,” RIMS provide robust reporting features that help researchers and institutions track and analyze research activity and impact, identify research trends and grant opportunities, focus institutional resources, and encourage collaboration. In this workshop, we cover the basics of RIMS and Elsevier Pure, then we take a deep dive into updating and enhancing your personal GS Scholars profile.

Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this workshop, participants will be able to: 1) describe the purpose and value of research information management systems (RIMS) to researchers and institutions, 2) evaluate the contents of their GS Scholars profile, and 3) update and enhance their profile to further promote their research identity.

Your Research Identity: Identifiers and Profiles, Feb.12, 10:00 am; Feb. 13, 10:00 am, Facilitator: Ruth Baker

In addition to GS Scholars and SciVal, participants in this workshop will become familiar with some tools and techniques to help distinguish their work from other researchers or scholars, and ways to enhance the promotion and dissemination of their work to others in their fields. Some examples include: author  identifiers, and online portfolios or profiles, to create a unique research or professional identity. Participants in the workshop will create a Google Scholar profile and/or claim their ORCID ID, or enhance existing profiles.

Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this workshop, participants will be  able to: Create  or edit an existing Google Scholar profile. Participants will be  able to: Claim their ORCID ID, or edit and enhance an existing ORCID record.

Introduction to SciENcv for Federal Grant Applicants, Feb. 26, 10:00 am; Feb.27 10:00 am (Zoom); Facilitators: Jeff Mortimore, Ruth Baker

SciENcv is an electronic system that helps researchers organize and update biographical information for federal research applications. Grant applicants are now required to use SciENcv by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the National Science Foundation (NSF), and the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) for all applications. In this workshop, we cover the basics of using SciENcv, including  but not limited to importing information from ORCID and Google Scholar and creating, editing, and sharing Biosketches. Upon completion of this workshop, participants will be able to  explain the purpose and use of SciENcv, as well as create a basic Biosketch.

Learning Outcomes:  This workshop is especially appropriate for researchers using SciENcv or creating Biosketches for the first time. Upon completion of this workshop, participants will be able to:  Explain the purpose of SciENcv and how it is used in federal grant submissions; and Create and populate a basic SciENcv Biosketch.

Georgia Southern Scholars

Get Help with Your GS Scholars Profile!

Office Hours Available: Need help updating your profile? Email to schedule a one-on-one!

Screenshot of Georgia Southern Scholars profileGeorgia Southern Scholars is a public, searchable database that highlights the scholarly and creative activities of Georgia Southern faculty. All tenure-track faculty have a scholarly profile in GS Scholars, and all research-active non-tenure track faculty may request a profile if they want one.

In addition to easily importing works from Scopus, arXiv, ORCID, PubMed, SSRN, and other online sources, you have extensive control over what information appears on your profile.

Visit the Libraries’ GS Scholars guide to learn more and get started updating your profile. For help, contact the GS Commons Team at A team member will respond as soon as possible during regular business hours.

GS Authors Lounge Update for 2025


alt="" photo of 2024 Authors Lounge Celebration of FacultyGeorgia Southern University faculty, staff, students and alumni can continue to submit their works to be included in the Authors Lounge Collection using this Form or QR Code


Eligible works are published articles, books, book chapters, special issues of journals, substantive encyclopedia entries, poetry, musical compositions, audio recordings, film/video recordings, and art exhibition catalogs. 

If you would like to bypass the form and submit your list of publications or a CV, please send it to: 

Dr. Katia G. Karadjova (, Associate Dean of Libraries for Research & Assessment.

Read more about the GS Authors Lounge and upcoming events here.

News from ICPSR

News from ICPSR


Upcoming webinars and events

Webinar: Social, Behavioral, & Economic COVID Coordinating Center (SBE CCC) Pilot Projects, January 23, 2025 from 3-4PM EST Join the webinar on Zoom (no registration required).

Love Data Week is February 10-14, 2025

2025 ICPSR Summer Program in Quantitative Methods:

  • General Sessions: June 9-July 3, July 7-August 1
  • Topical Workshops: May-August
    • Register for the Registration and Scholarships How-To Webinar on January 29, 2PM EST here.


Recent Data Releases and Data Brunch, ICPSR's podcast:

ICPSR logo - Georgia Southern University is a member institution of the Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR)ICPSR