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Institutional Repository Services

Resources & Services to Support Access, Awareness, and Impact

Open-access institutional repositories like Georgia Southern Commons and scholarly profile services like Georgia Southern Scholars provide researchers with opportunities to self-archive and distribute their research in new ways that increase access, awareness and impact. When combined with metrical and impact data tools like Scopus & SciVal, these services help to tell the story of research at Georgia Southern University.

As part of the library's overarching Scholarly Communications initiatives, the GS Libraries offer an array of repository-related resources and services.

Georgia Southern Commons

Georgia Southern Commons is an open-access digital repository that collects, archives, and disseminates the intellectual and creative output of the University’s faculty, staff, students, and community partners. Georgia Southern Commons hosts contributions from across the campus and the community, including campus documents and publications, faculty and student research, conferences, journals, research data, news, and more. Learn how Georgia Southern Commons can support your research while extending its reach. For more information, see the Libraries' GS Commons guide.

Georgia Southern Scholars

Elsevier is sunsetting all SelectedWorks profiles on December 31, 2024, after which Georgia Southern’s SelectedWorks platform, profiles, and content will no longer be accessible. In response, the GS Libraries has migrated all Georgia Southern affiliated SelectedWorks profiles to the Elsevier Pure platform during summer 2024. This new platform is called Georgia Southern Scholars. For more information, see the Libraries' GS Scholars guide.

Data Management Services

Data Management Services HomepageIn addition to meeting funder and publisher requirements, sharing data increases the visibility of your research and opportunities for collaboration. The Libraries offer an array of data management services encompassing data management planning and data curation. For more information, see the Libraries' Data Management Services guide.

Copyright & Repositories

Copyright & Creative CommonsPublication always involves the exercise of copyrights. Your copyrights are a valuable asset that should be protected throughout the publication process. The GS Libraries offer a number of resources to help you learn about your copyrights, how to protect them with publishers, and how to maximize your opportunities to archive and share your work. For more information, see this guide.


For help, contact the GS Commons Team at A team member will respond as soon as possible during regular business hours.