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KEYS to Teaching Success: Standard 7: Positive Learning Environment


     The seventh standard of the Georgia Intern KEYS rubric focuses on creating and maintaining a well-managed, safe, and orderly environment. It is a requirement of all teachers to ensure the classroom environment supports all students to learn in a productive manner. By attending to rules, routines, and student identity, teachers ensure that students can attend to learning engagements. In today's changing world, you must be mindful of both a physical, classroom environment and any online or digital spaces as well. 

     Click on each box below to examine important concepts related to a positive classroom environment.

Rules and Routines

This image is decorative

Classroom Rules by Rafael Robles L. CC BY 2.0

Creating a Community of Learners

High school girl in theater class

CC-BY-NC 4.0 by Allison Shelley/The Verbatim Agency for EDUImages

Being Known Matters

Middle school Spanish language class

CC-BY-NC 4.0 by Allison Shelley for

Organizing Classroom Environments

This image is decorative.

New Classroom at BES by BES Photos CC BY-NC-SA 2.0


Georgia Department of Education. (2021, July 1). Georgia's Teacher Keys Effectiveness System. [.pdf document]