In a different segment of KEYS to Teaching Success, you read about ways to make learning relevant to students, either by establishing connections to their prior learning, to their everyday lives, or to other subjects [See "Make Learning Relevant"]. These connections can be initial ways to elevate student thinking. If learning matters to students, or if students realize how concepts have an actual impact on them, they can be motivated to think more deeply about skills and concepts. Such thinking levels are reflected under Intern KEYS Performance Indicator 1.2. Teachers often refer to such thinking as critical thinking or higher-order thinking skills (HOTS).
Even though teachers and students use those terms often, it’s difficult to explain what that concept really means. How do we know when students are really thinking critically? According to Daniel Willingham (2019), teachers can look for the following evidence:
Designing specific learning activities can elevate students’ thinking skills. An effective way to structure a lesson is the 5E Instructional Design Model (Bybee, 2015), which leads students through a five-stage learning process of engage, explore, explain, elaborate and evaluate. This process can take place in a brick-and-mortar setting, a digital classroom or a hybrid environment.
KEYS 5E_2, CC-BY-NC Nancy Remler, 2024
With the 5E model, students might start out working on lower-order thinking skills, especially if their engage stage connects them to their prior experiences or memories. However, as students progress through the explore stage and beyond, they form questions, identify their own errors, correct them, and apply their knowledge to actual contexts.
Using technology to explore real-world problems is also a great way to promote higher-order thinking. When referencing International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) standards during planning, consider how students can elevate learning by researching current trends or data, making models and digital representations, or working collaboratively on a project. Technology should enhance learning activities, not duplicate activities they can easily do with low-tech materials. Digital learning opportunities should encourage students to engage with each other, with tools for representations, or even with outside sources, as in the following examples:
Teachers often articulate that time does not allow for higher-order thinking and group activities. The 5E design, though, can help teachers manage time for collaborative learning. The five-part model makes it easier to break time into segments that allow for information sharing followed by small group discussion and reflection. Hammond (2015) describes this process as “chunk” and “chew”. The human brain can only process small pieces of information at a time, so it is important to “chunk” lessons for the right amount of information based on the student’s age. When working memory is full from instruction through small mini lessons or presentations (“chunks”), the brain needs opportunities to process and reflect (“chew”) on that information. In a typical 40-minute lesson, Hammond says, “the brain takes in information for 12-20 minutes before it cycles down for 5-10 minutes” (p. 131). During the “cycle down” time, it is essential to provide students with active processing and reflection routines that may include graphic organizers, repetition, talking in small groups with accountable talk, and summarizing through similes, metaphors, and stories (Hammond, 2015, pp. 132-138). Beginning teachers might find it overwhelming to give students so much time to engage actively, but the chunk and chew strategies can simultaneously foster speaking and listening practice along with instruction for projects and independent work.
Please open the next tab: Other Ways to Elevate Student Thinking
The 5E model is just one way to foster students’ critical thinking. Other popular pedagogies help students elevate their thinking by working in groups, solving real-world problems, or utilizing technology to provide unique solutions to problems. Although other resources will provide more thorough information about those teaching approaches, the following table will give you a general idea of how they can engage students’ higher-order thinking skills.
Please open the next tab: Fostering a Variety of Thinking Levels
Although Standard 1 expects teachers to foster student thinking at high levels, teachers are not expected to have students thinking at high levels all the time. Often, thinking at lower levels can serve as a springboard for higher-order thinking. Teachers might begin a unit or a lesson with work at lower levels, such as recall, identification, and comprehension, so that students can use that basic knowledge to support them as they analyze, conduct research, justify opinions, or support their claims.
In Stating Clear, Meaningful Purposes or in a curriculum design course, you learned about Bloom’s Taxonomy, a rubric that organizes thinking skills into various levels. While it’s common to introduce new topics by having students think about them at lower levels, such as recalling facts, listing steps, stating theories, or defining terms, those lower-order activities should serve as initial stepping stones toward higher-order thinking about those concepts, thinking such as analysis, evaluation, and creation.
The following activities often revolve around lower-order thinking. If your instruction largely involves the following types of learning activities, then your students might not be reaching those higher levels:
That doesn’t mean teachers should avoid such activities in class. It is possible to complete a worksheet or do a sorting task while also engaging higher order thinking. It all depends on what the teacher asks students to do. If the exercises, diagrams, worksheets, or problems expect students to provide one-word or quick answers, they’re likely thinking at lower levels. If that’s the case, then in other activities, they might think at higher levels by working in the following ways:
The table below illustrates learning activities that would generate higher-order thinking:
Please open the next tab: Getting Started
The content of this chapter examines important concepts that will affect all aspects of your work. But you are just getting started as a teacher, and for that reason, you might feel a little overwhelmed by how to foster higher-order thinking in your students. Remember that this chapter is designed to help you meet an InternKEYS standard, and you can do so by starting with smaller-scale adjustments to your planning and instruction. Try one or two of the following strategies, and add to them as you develop your teaching confidence:
Your program supervisors, internship supervisors, and colleagues can also provide ideas for fostering students’ higher-order thinking. As you develop this expertise, you will notice how this aspect of your work emerges in planning, instruction, and assessment so that students can comprehend concepts and think about their own learning in complex ways. That thinking is what enables students to express themselves and their thinking through creativity, communication, and applications. Students can also use critical thinking and their knowledge to progress beyond the classroom.
Activity 1: Review the following learning activities and determine whether it supports higher-level or lower-level thinking.
1. First-grade students work in pairs and count to twenty orally.
a. lower-level
b. higher-level
2. Seventh-grade mathematics students take a test on which they must determine the length of a hypotenuse using the Pythagorean theorem.
a. lower-level
b. higher-level
3. Eighth-grade history students orally summarize a text that explains the early 20th-century boll weevil infestation in the American South.
a. lower-level
b. higher-level
4. Eighth-grade history students complete charts representing the causes and effects of the early 20th-century boll weevil infestation in the American South.
a. lower-level
b. higher-level
5. Third-grade students plant grapefruit seeds. At the end of each week, they answer the following questions about germination and growth: Has your plant grown more or less than it did last week? What recommendations do you make for increased growth next week? What are your reasons for those recommendations?
a. lower-level
b. higher-level
6. After reading Bless Me, Ultima, eighth-grade literature students discuss and then design a poster for a current film adaptation. The poster should include images representing some of the book’s dominant themes.
a. lower-level
b. higher-level
7. Eleventh-grade chemistry students design experiments to investigate the effects on boiled broccoli when adding sodium chloride, acetic acid, and sodium hydrogen carbonate. During this activity, students must formulate and then test a hypothesis.
a. lower-level
b. higher-level
8. After reading the second four books of The Odyssey, ninth-grade literature students complete a multiple choice quiz assessing their knowledge of the plot points and characters.
a. lower-level
b. higher-level
9. While reading Keats’s “Ode on a Grecian Urn,” students identify scenes depicted on the urn and restate the speaker’s opinions about those scenes.
a. lower-level
b. higher-level
10. After studying the articles and amendments of the U.S. Constitution, fifth-grade students discuss possible contents for a constitution for their school. In small groups, they list five to seven articles of that constitution.
a. lower-level
b. higher-level
Activity 2: Read the following teaching scenarios and identify the teaching strategies as the 5E model, problem-based learning, team-based learning, or gamification. After completing this activity, discuss your selections with a peer, a supervisor, or a colleague.
1. An elementary math teacher opens a lesson with a conversation about pizza and how it is usually cut into wedges. Using a model of a pizza, the teacher pulls out a wedge and asks students how they would represent that wedge as a number. After a brief discussion, the teacher explains the concept of fractions and the terms associated with them (half, thirds, etc). Using various models (ice cube trays, muffin tins, crayon sets, etc), students divide their models according to fractions the teacher projects on the screen. For each fraction, students explain why they divided their models the way they did. Students then complete a worksheet that requires them to shade sections of various figures (circle, square, rectangle, etc) to represent different fractions. The teacher uses the students’ work to assess their understanding of fractions.
2. After learning about Mary Musgrove and her work as an intermediary between European colonists and the Creek Indians, students work in small groups to develop a compromise between two different communities that both wish to take possession of an unowned tract of land. The compromise should specify who has control over the land and what it should be used for.
3. A science teacher designs his laboratory assignments so that they offer students a choice of tasks to complete and/or master. Students can achieve digital badges that represent their level of performance, and each badge represents a different level of performance for a grade. Students who conduct the experiment but make some errors to earn the complete badge and a C. Students who conduct the experiment without error earn the level up badge and earn a B. Students who conduct the experiment without error and write a complete lab report earn the master badge and an A
4. An English language arts teacher places her students in small groups and then gives each group a written passage that includes various figures of speech. Each group is tasked with using highlighter pens to mark the figures of speech (blue for simile, green for metaphor, pink for personification, etc). After completing the activity, the class discusses the figures of speech in that written passage. The teacher then gives each group a colored marker, a different color for each group. The teacher has divided the whiteboard into several sections, each section designated for a different figure of speech (simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole, apostrophe, allusion). The groups will compose their own figures of speech and write them in the designated sections of the whiteboard. The different colored markers will indicate which group composed which figure of speech in each section.
Bybee, R. W. (2015). The BSCS 5E instructional model: Creating teachable moments. National Science Teachers Association.
Cox, J. (2019, Oct. 16). Teaching strategies that enhance higher order thinking.
Hammond, Z. (2014). Culturally responsive teaching and the brain: Promoting authentic engagement and rigor among culturally and linguistically diverse students. Corwin.
International Society for Technology in Education. (2024). ISTE standards: For students.
McTighe, J., & Wiggins, G. (2013). Essential questions: Opening doors to student understanding. ASCD.
Tu, C.H., Sjuo-Montes, L.E., & Yen, C.J. (2015). Gamification for learning. In R. Papa (Ed.), Media rich instruction (pp. 203-217).
Willingham, D. T. (2019). How to teach critical thinking. New South Wales Department of Education.