Recent Student Projects:
The Violence of Decolonization. A visual companion to Jean-Paul Sartre's "Preface" to Frantz Fanon's The Wretched of the Earth (1961). Greg Hogan (Fall 2021)
Emmeline Pankhurst: My Own Story. An interactive Twine story using Emmeline Pankhurst's My Own Story (1914). Chandler Williams (Fall 2021)
Ballot Box. A game about the 1968 election by Jessica Forsee and Alyssa Windsor (Fall 2020).
Black Catholics in the Savannah Diocese. A database of oral history interviews put together by James Wright with parallel storage at the Digital Library of Georgia (Fall 2020).
Early Printed Books at Georgia Southern. Information about and scans of some of the large collection of early modern books (1450-1700) held by Georgia Southern by Dipe Adefikayo, Asia Vaughn, Chad Jerhada, Christopher Marler, Jacob Carmickle, Jasmine Starks, and Van Neeley (Spring 2020). See also the Libguide.
Willow Hill Digital Archive Collection (Jaclyn Grizzell) Database of materials from the Willow Hill collection of African-American life in Bullock County.
Modern Biological Warfare (Victoria Barrett). Maps of the history of biological warfare since the eighteenth century, with particular emphasis on Cold War sites in the United States.
Statesboro-Bulloch County Library Public History Files (William Wood). Database of local history files from the Statesboro-Bulloch County Library.
Gordon Riots Mapped (Jessica Dirkson). Map of sites associated with London's Gordon Riots (1780)
Books in Robert Boyle's Library (Shay Meredith) Map of the publishing locations of the only known books in Robert Boyle's (1627-1691) library.