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Undergraduate Introduction to Special Education

Module 4 Links

Assignment Instructions 

For this assignment, you are asked to create a handout or pamphlet for the high-incidence disabilities we have learned about in the last two weeks. You are to create this assignment as if you are going to hand it to a parent interested in learning more. Your handout/pamphlet should be informative and easy to interpret. This handout will also be added on to during module 12. Keep that in mind when designing.

Below are the requirements for this assignment. Please read below AND see the link to the rubric. That is how this assignment will be graded.

  1. Include SLD, mID, ASD, OHI, EBD, and Communicative disorders with a detailed description of the disability category.  
  2. Describe 5 characteristics of each category with a description of how that characteristic would appear in a classroom.
  3. Outline a space where you will add teaching strategies for each in Module 12.
  4. You are allowed to use any program or online program to create your handout. Remember, this is not a Powerpoint. You are to design a creative handout/pamphlet as if you would hand it to a parent as a resource.
  5. All information should be in your own words and not copied from the module.
  6. For this assignment, you only need to cite information found outside of the module readings and videos.