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Linking to Library Resources

Create shareable links to library databases and resources.

Link to a Resource

To create a shareable link to a specific resource in Credo Reference, open the database using the link on the Libraries' A-Z Database List, locate the resource, then:

  1. From the detailed record for the specific resource, click Page Link in the top right-hand corner of the screen.
  2. Highlight and copy the URL that appears on the Links tab of the popup window.


Notes: Do not copy the URL that appears in the address bar of your browser to create or share a link to the resource. 

First, from the detailed record for the specific resource, click "Page Link". Second, highlight and copy the URL that appears on the Links tab of the popup window.

Share this link with Georgia Southern students, faculty, and staff. This link should work on or off campus.


For more information, Ask Us!

Link to a Result List

To create a shareable link to a specific list of results in Credo Reference, open the database using the link on the Libraries' A-Z Database List, conduct your search, then:

  1. From the list of results, click Page Link in the top right-hand corner of the screen.
  2. Highlight and copy the URL that appears in the popup window.


Notes: Do not copy the URL that appears in the address bar of your browser to create or share a link to the result list. 

First, from the list of results, click "Page Link". Second, highlight and copy the URL that appears in the popup window.

Share this link with Georgia Southern students, faculty, and staff. This link should work on or off campus.


For more information, Ask Us!

Embed a Resource

To embed a specific Credo Reference resource on another website (e.g., Folio), open the database using the link on the Libraries' A-Z Database List, locate the resource, then:

  1. From the detailed record for the specific resource, click Page Link in the top right-hand corner of the screen.
  2. Click on the Embed tab in the popup window.
  3. Highlight and copy the iframe code that appears on the Embed tab.

In Folio, create an article, or find an existing article, then open the "HTML Editor" or "HTML View" option. Paste the code into this view. If you have trouble saving the code, ask your Folio administrator if your instructor account has permission to add scripts.


Notes: When using Credo embeds, you are responsible for conforming with Credo’s Terms of Use. Please review Credo's How-to article before embedding any Credo content on another guide or website. If you are unsure, simply provide a result list or resource link as outlined above.

First, from the detailed record for the specific resource, click "Page Link". Second, click on the Embed tab in the popup window. Third, highlight and copy the iframe code that appears.


For more information, Ask Us!