These instructions apply to the following Oxford databases. All other Oxford databases are addressed in separate articles.
To create a shareable link to a specific resource in any of these databases, open the database using the link on the Libraries' A-Z Database List, conduct your search, then:
Note: Do not share the DOI URL unless you update it using the OpenAthens Link Generator first.
Share this link with Georgia Southern students, faculty, and staff. This link should work on or off campus.
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These instructions apply to the following Oxford databases. All other Oxford databases are addressed in separate articles.
To create a shareable link to a specific list of results in any of these databases, open the database using the link on the Libraries' A-Z Database List, conduct your search, then:
Note: Do not share the URL that appears in the address bar of your browser unless you update it using the OpenAthens Link Generator first.
Share this link with Georgia Southern students, faculty, and staff. This link should work on or off campus.
For more information, Ask Us!