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Scholarly Communications at Georgia Southern University

Resources and services to support faculty and graduate students' scholarly work from conception to publication and promotion

Scholarly Communications Newsletter - January 2021

Happy New Year!

The University Libraries' Scholarly Communications Team will continue to offer webinars via Zoom for Spring 2021 (all times EST).  Webinars are organized by the following themes:

  • Data Management Plan Basics
  • Research Profiles
  • Metrics & Research Impact

Here are links for late January to mid-February 2021. Click to read descriptions and to register. Registration will remain open until 1 hour prior to the start of the webinar.

Click the links below to view the full webinar Schedule or to view the University Libraries' Scholarly Communications calendar:

New Video Tutorials

Check out our growing collection of new Scholarly Communications video tutorials available on the GSL FAQ. Here are our new titles for early Spring 2021:

Request a Selected Works Profile (5:09)


Data Management Plan Basics (9:27)


Funder & Publisher Data Sharing Requirements (3:53)


Example Data Management Plans (3:18)

Upcoming Conferences

2021 Open Education Resources Virtual Conference logo and website banner

Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research


 Coming Soon: Love Data Week 2021, February 8 through 12


ICPSR logo

Did You Know...?

Check Manuscripts for Originality Before You Submit!

iThenticate Originality Tool logo

Have you heard about iThenticate? This tool for faculty researchers allows you to check your unpublished manuscripts for citation errors and potential similarity to other published works before you submit them for publication. See this brief overview and contact your Library Liaison for assistance setting up an account and running reports. Also, visit the Office of Research Integrity's iThenticate page for documentation and training videos.

Responsible Conduct of Research Training

CITI Program logoGeorgia Southern tenure track faculty are encouraged to complete the basic course in Responsible Conduct of Research, available through the CITI program, at the beginning of their tenure at the University. Refresher training requirements vary by College. Learn more here.

EBSCO Metrics Discontinued in PlumX

Plum Analytics has discontinued receiving metrics from EBSCO. Effective November 1, 2020, EBSCO Usage and Capture data are no longer updated in PlumX Metrics. This includes PlumX Snapshots on Author Dashboards for SelectedWorks profiles and PlumX Metrics detail pages on works in Georgia Southern Commons. Additionally, PlumX Metrics will no longer appear in EBSCOhost and EBSCO Discovery Service. 

Historical data from EBSCO usage and capture will be preserved with PlumX Metrics. Artifact pages indicate that the EBSCO data is historical only.

PlumX Metrics details showing an example of usage data. Circled in red are entries for EBSCO that are indicated with an asterisk and note that says "Historical data only".


Accuracy of metrics is impacted by factors including data collection methods. For example, an “overmerge” might happen when multiple records are merged because they have a common (and often incorrect) identifier. This may result in suspected inflated or inaccurate counts for EBSCO usage or captures in PlumX Metrics. The full University Libraries Statement on Metrical and Impact Data Tools is available at this link. More information from Plum Plum Analytics may be found at this link