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Brain Booth at Georgia Southern University Libraries

The Brain Booth is an experiential space to learn about the mind-body connection, reduce stress, and optimize academic performance

The Library Brain Booth in Publications

Peer-reviewed publications

Article: Baker, R. L. & Karadjova-Kozhuharova, K. (2024). Mindfulness approaches for addressing burnout in higher education settings: A systematic literature review. EDULEARN24 Proceedings, 4327-4333. doi:10.21125/edulearn.2024.1082

Article: Karadjova-Kozhuharova, K., & Bareford, N.L. (2024). Positive Effects of Mindful Leadership in Higher Education Settings. EDULEARN24 Proceedings, 4279-4288. doi:10.21125/edulearn.2024.1075

Article: Karadjova-Kozhuharova, K. & Baker, R. L. (2023). Positive effects of mindfulness practices on academic performance and well-being. HEAd’23 Proceedings, pp. 879-886. [doi:10.4995/HEAd23.2023.16244]

Article: Baker, R. L. & Karadjova-Kozhuharova, K. (2023). Mindfulness Practices in University and High School Settings: A Systematic Literature Review. EDULEARN’23 Proceedings, pp. 5283-5290. [doi:10.21125/edulearn.2023.1384]

Article: Karadjova-Kozhuharova, K. & Baker, R L. (2022). Mindfulness And Technology: Can They Be Two Sides Of The Same Coin?, EDULEARN'22 Proceedings, pp. 9074-9082. [doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2022.2181 ]

Article: Karadjova, K.G. & Towse, A. (HSU Student) (2020). Recent Trends in Mindfulness and Contemplative Pedagogy in Higher Education: The Brain Booth Initiative in CARL 2020: Embracing Courage, Candor, and Authenticity collection. 

Book Chapter: Karadjova, K.G. (2019). Mindfulness Experiences at the Library Brain Booth in the ALA book Recipes for Mindfulness in Your Library: Supporting Resilience and Community Engagement

Article: Karadjova, K.G. (2018). Mindfulness and Gamification in the Higher Education Classroom: Friends or Foes?, The International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'18), June 2018, Valencia, Spain.

Article: Mourer, M.M. & Karadjova, K.G. (2017). Dare to Share the Silence: Tools & Practices of Contemplative Pedagogy in a Library Brain Booth, in S. Kurbanoglu et al. (Eds.), (2017) Information Literacy in the Workplace. Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer.

The Library Brain Booth in Presentations

Peer-reviewed Conference Presentations

Baker, R. L., & Karadjova-Kozhuharova, K. (2024, July 1-3). Mindfulness approaches for addressing burnout in higher education settings: A systematic literature review [Paper presentation]. EDULEARN24 Conference (16th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies), Palma, Mallorca, Spain. 

Baker, R. L., & Karadjova-Kozhuharova, K. (2023, July 3-5). Mindfulness practices in university and high school settings: Recent trends [Paper presentation]. EDULEARN23 Conference (15th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies).

Karadjova-Kozhuharova, K. & Baker, R. L. (2023, June 19-22). Positive effects of mindfulness practices on academic performance and well-being [Paper presentation]. HEAd'23 (9th International Conference on Higher Education Advances), Valencia, Spain. 

Karadjova-Kozhuharova, K. & Baker, R.L. (2022). Mindfulness And Technology: Can They Be Two Sides Of The Same Coin? [Paper presentation].  EDULEARN22 Conference, Palma, Mallorca, Spain.

The Society for College and University Planning SCUP 2018 Annual Conference, July 2018, Nashville, TN.

The European Conference on Information Literacy (ECIL) 2017, September 2017, St. Malo, France.

Other presentations

Karadjova-Kozhuharova, K. G. (2023, November 15). Mindful leadership: Addressing and preventing burnout [Invited presentation]. Fall 2023 Staff Council Professional Development Conference, Georgia Southern University, Ogeechee Theater, Savannah, GA, United States.

ACRL Contemplative Pedagogy Interest Group (Dreaming, Questioning & Practicing Together: The Brain Booth Initiative) , March 17, 2021, Zoom

The HSU Teaching & Learning Innovation Showcase, April 2017, Humboldt State University (HSU), Arcata, CA.


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