Article: Baker, R. L. & Karadjova-Kozhuharova, K. (2024). Mindfulness approaches for addressing burnout in higher education settings: A systematic literature review. EDULEARN24 Proceedings, 4327-4333. doi:10.21125/edulearn.2024.1082
Article: Karadjova-Kozhuharova, K., & Bareford, N.L. (2024). Positive Effects of Mindful Leadership in Higher Education Settings. EDULEARN24 Proceedings, 4279-4288. doi:10.21125/edulearn.2024.1075
Article: Karadjova-Kozhuharova, K. & Baker, R. L. (2023). Positive effects of mindfulness practices on academic performance and well-being. HEAd’23 Proceedings, pp. 879-886. [doi:10.4995/HEAd23.2023.16244]
Article: Baker, R. L. & Karadjova-Kozhuharova, K. (2023). Mindfulness Practices in University and High School Settings: A Systematic Literature Review. EDULEARN’23 Proceedings, pp. 5283-5290. [doi:10.21125/edulearn.2023.1384]
Article: Karadjova-Kozhuharova, K. & Baker, R L. (2022). Mindfulness And Technology: Can They Be Two Sides Of The Same Coin?, EDULEARN'22 Proceedings, pp. 9074-9082. [doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2022.2181 ]
Article: Karadjova, K.G. & Towse, A. (HSU Student) (2020). Recent Trends in Mindfulness and Contemplative Pedagogy in Higher Education: The Brain Booth Initiative in CARL 2020: Embracing Courage, Candor, and Authenticity collection.
Book Chapter: Karadjova, K.G. (2019). Mindfulness Experiences at the Library Brain Booth in the ALA book Recipes for Mindfulness in Your Library: Supporting Resilience and Community Engagement.
Article: Karadjova, K.G. (2018). Mindfulness and Gamification in the Higher Education Classroom: Friends or Foes?, The International
Article: Mourer, M.M. & Karadjova, K.G. (2017). Dare to Share the Silence: Tools & Practices of Contemplative Pedagogy in a Library Brain Booth, in S. Kurbanoglu et al. (Eds.), (2017) Information Literacy in the Workplace. Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer.
Karadjova-Kozhuharova, K. G. (2024, September 30 – October 2). How can we use Mindful Leadership to future-proof our workforce? [Invited presentation]. IFLA IIFS24 (Information Futures Summit of the International Federation of Library Associations & Organizations), Brisbane, Australia.
Karadjova-Kozhuharova, K. G., & Bareford, N.L. (2024, July 1-3). Positive Effects of Mindful Leadership in Higher Education Settings [Paper presentation]. EDULEARN24 Conference (16th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies).
Baker, R. L., & Karadjova-Kozhuharova, K. (2024, July 1-3). Mindfulness approaches for addressing burnout in higher education settings: A systematic literature review [Paper presentation]. EDULEARN24 Conference (16th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies), Palma, Mallorca, Spain.
Baker, R. L., & Karadjova-Kozhuharova, K. (2023, July 3-5). Mindfulness practices in university and high school settings: Recent trends [Paper presentation]. EDULEARN23 Conference (15th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies)., K. & Baker, R. L. (2023, June 19-22). Positive effects of mindfulness practices on academic performance and well-being [Paper presentation]. HEAd'23 (9th International Conference on Higher Education Advances), Valencia, Spain.
Karadjova-Kozhuharova, K. & Baker, R.L. (2022). Mindfulness And Technology: Can They Be Two Sides Of The Same Coin? [Paper presentation]. EDULEARN22 Conference, Palma, Mallorca, Spain.
The European Conference on Information Literacy (ECIL) 2017, September 2017, St. Malo, France.
Karadjova-Kozhuharova, K. G. (2023, November 15). Mindful leadership: Addressing and preventing burnout [Invited presentation]. Fall 2023 Staff Council Professional Development Conference, Georgia Southern University, Ogeechee Theater, Savannah, GA, United States.
ACRL Contemplative Pedagogy Interest Group (Dreaming, Questioning & Practicing Together: The Brain Booth Initiative) , March 17, 2021, Zoom
The HSU Teaching & Learning Innovation Showcase, April 2017, Humboldt State University (HSU), Arcata, CA.