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Brain Booth at Georgia Southern University Libraries

The Brain Booth is an experiential space to learn about the mind-body connection, reduce stress, and optimize academic performance

Mindfulness Tip of the Week

Mindfulness Tip of the WeekBrain Booth Logo

from The Brain Booth at GS Libraries

DISCLAIMER: The Brain Booth and the Mindfulness Tip of the Week are not intended to be and should not be used as a substitute for medical or mental health treatment and/or services! 


Beginner’s Mind – “Environmental Awareness”

To see things for the first time, try this:

  1. Go outside or look through a window.
  2. Really notice the environment around you. Notice the shapes and colors.
  3. Notice how the light from the sun lights things up. Notice any areas of shade.
  4. Try and see things like you are seeing them for the very first time.

[Excerpted from Mindfulness Cards by Allura & Arcia]

~ from The Brain Booth Team

~The Brain Booth: where everyone is welcome at any time~

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