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Student Learning Assessment Resources

TILT stands for Transparency in Teaching and Learning, and it is a widely followed best practice for assignment design. The following video by the Center for Innovative and Transformative Instruction at Winston-Salem University provides an introduction for this framework for assignment design. What features of the TILT model do you already use in your own assignment design? How does assignment design support the validity of assessments?

Assignment Design Overview

Developing a measurement tool, such as an objective test or analytic rubric, is only one half of the assessment measurement equation. In order for students to effectively and accurately demonstrate their knowledge and abilities, they must have a clear and thorough assignment description that provides them with details about the task they need to complete, how best to complete that task, and how that task relates to the appropriate SLOs within the context of the course content or future professional or academic expectations. Resources shared here focus on assignment design best practices, in particular the TILT model highlighted in the video above.

Assignment Design Additional Resources