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Georgia Southern Commons

Copyright Information

Copyright-related IconsPublication always involves the exercise of copyrights. Your copyrights are a valuable asset that should be protected throughout the publication process.

Traditionally, publishing your research required transferring all or most of your copyrights to a for-profit publisher, who then would license limited rights back to you. While Copyright Transfer Agreements (CTA) work well to protect the interests of the publisher, they do not always protect your interests as a researcher or author. The library offers a number of resources to help you learn about your copyrights, how to protect them with publishers, and how to maximize your opportunities to archive and share your work.

  • For a glossary of publishing terms, see this page.
  • For an overview of author rights as they relate to self-archiving, see this page.
  • For guidance on evaluating CTAs, see the library's Copyright Transfer Agreement Checklist.
  • For guidance on licensing your work for archiving and distribution in Georgia Southern Commons or your Georgia Southern Scholars profile, see this page.
  • For an overview of reuse licensing considerations for research data, see this page.

Removing or Modifying Works in Georgia Southern Commons

The Georgia Southern University Libraries make every effort to ensure that all works submitted to Georgia Southern Commons are archived and disseminated in accordance with United States copyright law, University policy, and the wishes of content creators. The Georgia Southern Commons Team does not have the authority to alter the content of any works published in the institutional repository. 

If for any reason you believe that a work included in Georgia Southern Commons should be removed or modified, please contact the Georgia Southern Commons Team at  A member of the Georgia Southern Commons Team will contact you as soon as possible during regular business hours.


For help, contact the GS Commons Team at A team member will respond as soon as possible during regular business hours.