Inaugural year of First District Agricultural & Mechanical School in Statesboro Georgia
First District A&M renamed Georgia Normal School
Fraces Stubbs becomes first librarian of Georgia Normal School
Georgia Normal School renamed South Teachers College
Armstrong Junior College established in Downtown Savannah, Georgia
Dorothy Horton Miller becomes first librarian of Armstrong Junior College
First building dedicated to library services, Rosenwald Library, opens on Statesboro campus
Georgia Normal College renamed Georgia Teachers College
Georgia Teachers College selected as a Federal depository library
Armstrong Library moved to Lane Building
Georgia Teachers College Library moved to Hodgson hall
Georgia Teachers College renamed Georgia Southern College
Armstrong State Junior College moves to the present day campus on Savannah's southside. Library named for Mills B. Lane
New Library building opens to students on the Statesboro campus
Florence Powell Minis room dedicated in Lane Library
Statesboro campus library named for Zach S. Henderson, former President of Georgia Southern College
Georgia Southern College receives University distinction and renamed Georgia Southern University
Armstrong State College receives University distinction and renamed Armstrong Atlantic State University
Lane Library $5 million renovation completed
Zach S. Henderson Library $22.75 million renovation and expansion completed
Learning Commons on the Armstrong campus opens
Armstrong Atlantic State University renamed Armstrong State University
Consolidation of Armstrong State University and Georgia Southern University