For more information about giving opportunities, please contact Dr. Lisa Carmichael, Dean of University Libraries, at (912) 478-5115, or To give to the Libraries plase go to our Support the Libraries. Thank you!
This is a general foundation account supporting the collection budget, furnishings, and general expenses.
For gifts of at least $500.00, a mini-endowment purchases one book per year in perpetuity with an appropriate book plate and acknowledgement to the donor(s). An informational plate will be added to the book or resource reflecting the name of the donor(s) and, if desired, the name of the person(s) in honor of whom the title was given. The items selected will be within a specific discipline if that is the desire of the donor(s), but the Library will be responsible for selecting the title each year.
A fund to purchase books in memory of departed friends or family members. An informational plate will be added to the book or resource reflecting the name of the person(s) in honor of whom the title was given.
Created by the Derst family in Savannah, the interest from this account is used to pay for online library subscriptions such as Wall Street Journal Online.
A fund supporting the purchase of art (usually student works) for the Henderson Library.
A fund for books and resources supporting the academic programs within Georgia Southern’s School of Nursing.
The Friends sponsor cultural events such as guest lectures and book signing events by authors of note. They also support collection purchases and initiatives.
A fund supporting the purchase of archival supplies for Special Collections.
To purchase adaptive learning technologies in support of students with disabilities.
General foundation account which supports book purchasing, furnishings and general expenses.