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An Introduction to Our Bloggers

by Laura Valeri on 2017-09-25T00:00:00-04:00 | 0 Comments

Wraparound South is happy to announce our blog will now be hosted by two writers, Rebecca Frost and Olivia Hester. That’s right two voices, two styles, and two different perspectives on diverse issues faced by professional writers.  Rebecca and Olivia both study writing and linguistics at Georgia Southern University, but their concentrations fall on different ends of the writing spectrum.  While Olivia has focused her undergraduate career in technical and professional writing, Rebecca has favored poetry and other forms of creative writing. That means, as you join us, you’ll get to pick your flavor of informative posts, seasoned by two very different, but equally talented writers discerning what it actually means to be a professional. This next series is about research combined with insightful interviews that explore the methodology of writers who stay engaged with their craft and community, their process of navigating the pitfalls and challenges of publishing, and a look at the effects marketing strategies have on the success of a writer. Follow us as we follow the professionals and ask the questions that matter. 

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