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Interlibrary Loan, Document Delivery and GIL Express

Library and Interlibrary Loan Terminology

Accession Number
Another term for the OCLC number
American Library Association
Copyright laws protect intellectual property from misuse by other individuals. Ideas and information in print or electronic form are the property of the person who created them. Permission must be obtained to use copyrighted material. Copyrighted materials may be used for educational purposes if the fair-use guidelines are followed.
Document Delivery
When ILL staff scan or download articles from journals GSL owns and sends them to patrons. Can be abbreviated as DocDel or DD.
Digital Object Identifier. A DOI is a unique string of numbers, letters, and symbols that permanently identifies and links to an online object.
Eagle ID
The patron’s identification number assigned by Georgia Southern University. It will start with a 901 or a 900.
If a journal is embargoed by the online vendor/publisher, it means the most recent issues are blocked from viewing. Embargoes range from 6 months to 8 years, with 12-18 months being the most common.
EZ Proxy
Software the library uses to give faculty, students, and staff access to databases and licensed electronic resources when the patron is off- campus.
Fair Use Guidelines
The doctrine of fair use allows copyrighted works to be used for purposes such as criticism, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, or research. See also the “Four Pillars”.
Four Pillars
How libraries have traditionally determined if a copyright - protected work can be used for research. They are:(1) The purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes.(2) The nature of the copyrighted work.(3) The amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole.(4) The effect of the use upon the potential market for, or value of, the copyrighted work.
GIL Express/GE
GIL Express is a state-level initiative that allows USG libraries to send books to each other via the STAT courier service.
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)
Some full-text articles in the databases are provided this way, but all images and original page numbers are stripped from the document.
Georgia Southern Libraries. Refers to Henderson and Lane Libraries in Statesboro and Savannah.
Georgia Southern University
Interlibrary Loan
Interlibrary Loan Internet Accessible Database. This is the software patrons use to request items on ILL, view scans delivered, and track returnable materials.
ILL number
The OCLC identification number for a specific ILL transaction.
International Standard Book Number. A unique identifying number assigned to each book published after 1969.
International Standard Serial Number. A unique identifying number assigned to each journal or magazine published after 1974.
Abbreviations for the Library of Congress.
Library of Congress
The Library of Congress is a research library in Washington, D.C. that serves as the library and research service of Congress and the de facto national library of the United States.
A general term for printed material that has been reproduced in a miniaturized format such as microcard, microfiche, microfilm, etc.
Open Access. Research material freely available through legal sites over the internet.
OCLC number
The OCLC identification number for the book/journal record. Also known as an accession number.
Online Public Access Catalog, A library’s online card catalog.
PDF Full Text
Portable Document Format. An exact duplicate of the original print article, complete with all images and page numbers. It may be in black and white or color.
When the owning library asks for their material back immediately. They have the right to do this at any time, regardless of the original due date.
Resource Sharing
Fancy term for Interlibrary Loan
Title Page
It states the title of the book and the author’s name. It can include the publisher’s name as well or edition information.
Transaction number
Our ILLiad identification number for a specific ILL transaction. Georgia Southern University's are currently six digits long, and are identified by ‘TN’ on the book band and/or electronic record for articles.
University System of Georgia
Latin for “reverse”. It’s the back of the title page, and contains all of the copyright information for the book.
The catalog of books, journals, web resources, and other material owned by OCLC members worldwide. It contains millions of records in over 400 languages.