A guide to the two services provided by Georgia Southern Libraries
GIL Express is an initiative of the University System of Georgia (USG) to allow faculty, staff, and students at any USG school to borrow eligible books from any other USG library. When you place a GIL Express request in the catalog, the library that owns the item will ship it to your home library, or any USG library you choose, for you to check it out. This system also allows you to return your items to any USG library. You will get an email when your book is ready for pickup.
This service is limited to circulating items only, usually books. It does not allow for technology such as laptops or cameras to be sent.
Interlibrary Loan (or ILL) is an agreement and service between all types of libraries, whereby a library can borrow an item or get a photocopy from a journal or book that it doesn't own. This is a library-to-library service. You tell us what you need, and we make the request to libraries that own it. In turn, they trust us to return the item to them on time and in good condition. You will get an email when your ILL item is ready for pickup.
Items requested are meant to support Georgia Southern research and teaching.