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Getting Started with DOIs in the IR

DOI Syntax

DOIs are made up of two elements, the prefix and the suffix. These elements are separated by a "/". URL-related components, such as, are not part of the DOI. Here is a breakdown of an example DOI:

DOI: 10.20429/ijsotl.2016.100207
Prefix: 10.20429
Separator: /
Suffix: ijsotl.2016.100207

The prefix is assigned to the member by Crossref and does not change. All DOIs registered by a member carry this prefix.

The suffix is unique to the registered item and can be anything the member specifies, excluding certain special characters.

We recommend developing a human-readable syntax. In the example above, the suffix for this article DOI includes the journal acronym; the year of publication; and the volume, issue, and article number as a six-digit string. Each of these elements is separated by periods.

Negotiate a standard syntax with the publication prior to registering DOIs on its behalf.

For more information on DOI syntax, see here: