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e-Books for Eagles


  • OverDrive allows you to browse and read or listen to popular eBooks and audiobooks directly on your computer or mobile device.
  •  OverDrive is available via the catalog, on the A-Z Database List, and on select research guides.
  • Overdrive ebooks and audiobooks may be checked out for 21 days, and are automatically returned to the library at the end of the checkout period.

Getting Started

  •  Go to OverDrive @ Georgia Southern and create an account using your MyGS login information.
  • If you want to use OverDrive on a mobile device you'll need to download the App.  Follow the steps in our  FAQs.

OverDrive Tutorial

Simple Steps to a Successful Search

  • Type in the genre, title, author, etc...of the book you're looking for in the search bar at the top of the page.
  • Review the book results that returned and select one you're interested in.
  • If you are not already signed in it will prompt you to do so.  Then, click on the box that says 'Borrow'. You'll then choose the format in which to use the book, download and read, or listen.
  • The amount of days you will be able to have the book is shown, but if you want to return it before that time you can click on the 'Return Title' box.
  • Enjoy reading your book!