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FYE 1220 - First Year Seminar - Gilliard-Smith: Find Reliable Internet Sources

Internet Sources

Is it EVER Ok to use Internet Sources?

Yes! You won't be abandoning Web sources completely, but you will need to know WHEN it is appropriate to use Web Sources. This will depend on a variety of factors, but mainly on your assignment parameters and the type of information you are trying to find. It's important to know WHAT you are looking at when you search the web, because you are going to find a ton of information. Understanding the Information Cycle will help, and also knowing how to critically evaluate these sources will be vital. The CRAAP Test will become your best friend as you try to navigate the multitude of information on the internet! 

*Remember, if you ever have any doubts about a source, ASK your Professor BEFORE using it

Wikipedia: Scholarly Resource?

Is Wikipedia a scholarly resource? 

Generally, Wikipedia is not considered scholarly because anyone can edit the information at any time.   The people contributing do not need to share their expertise and the information provided may be biased.

However, Wikipedia can be a good starting point to your research, even if you don't cite it in your paper.  Wikipedia is:

  • Good for background information on a topic
  • Contains References: At the end of an entry there are links to the sources used in the article.  The list may include a list of popular and scholarly sources. These are not only helpful for you in identifying potential resources, but they also inform the reliability and validity of the full Wikipedia article.
  • Identifies Search Terms: May be helpful in learning the jargon of a subject. Identify potential terms to use in Library Databases.