To locate print books in the library you need to know the Location and Call Number of the item.
eBooks can be found by clicking on the "online access" link.
Henderson Library Popular Locations
4th Floor A-J Call Numbers
3rd Floor K-Z Call Numbers
2nd Floor Browsing, DVDs
2nd Floor Check Out Desk and Research Assistance
Lane Library Popular Locations
2nd Floor A-Z Call Numbers, Periodicals and Microfilm
1st Floor Reference Collection, DVDs, Browsing, Periodicals
1st Floor Check Out Desk and Research Assistance
To find books and other materials housed in the library, use the Library's catalog. The GIL-Find Catalog allows you to search for Books, eBooks, DVDs, and other materials housed in the library.
Can't find what you need? To identify materials held at other USG Libraries, select "University System of Georgia" from the drop-down menu when searching. Use our Gil-Express service to have materials sent to GSU.
This video shows you how to search for books and resources in the Libraries' Gil-Find catalog using art as the example topic.