Little information is available on J. H. Reider (Portrait in above image, Frontispiece)and his existence beyond this book. Given the place of publication, it can be discerned that he may have been living in California. The copy here was signed by him on January 3rd, 1914, meaning he was still alive during that time. Little is known about the original recipient of this work, G. Frost Liggett (see signatures below, inner cover).
At a surface glance, many misinterpret this book as a tourist guide. However, Reider spends time in his introduction insisting upon his work being a “Digest” rather than a “Guide”, and intended this work to be a factbook. On the one hand, this may be to save face, as it would not be sound to encourage tourism to a country going through political upheaval (this was published when the Mexican Revolution was heating up). On the other hand, one wonders why a tourist would need to know how miner’s measure depths of mines.
Dr. J. H. Reider's factbook, published in Los Angeles sometime in 1913, was written to appeal to an American public who were growing interested in the "Sister Republic" as Reider's subtitle describes Mexico. Though published when the Mexican Revolution began to erupt into brutal conflict, Reider had been researching for this book for the prior 16 years (pg. 11), and thus the book reflects more of the pre-revolution image of Mexico by transborder Americans, if not Americans as a whole.
J. H. Reider included the "Tropical" adjective in his title for a reason. He uses images of rubber trees deep in Campeche's wet forests to add a sense of exoticism to associate the nation to his readers.
These two women, according to the caption of Tehuantepec origin and heritage, pose for this photo. Besides President Diaz, this is the only portrait photograph in his work (though not the only one with people in it, as one can tell).
Reider's map of Mexico, showing the various state borders (located after the final page, 196).
Reider’s amateurish skills as a researcher are shown with his bold claims without citation or even a bibliography. To highlight this aspect of his writings, one of the few sources he directly references (in his interpretation of the origins of the “mysterious” Toltecs) is Ignatius Donnelly’s The History of Atlantis (pg. 22-23).
Despite the absurdity of a few of his claims and lack of evidence for others, his writing is quite evocative, making one wonder if this man should have become a novelist rather than a factfinder.
While Reider neglects to cite proper sources, it seems that his views on Mexican history are heavily influenced by the conceptions of the 19th Century Mexican Liberal movement. He emphasizes the native origin of the nation over the European origins, and tirades against the conquistadors and the Catholic Church for destroying so much of their history and culture (pg. 18, 28-29). He lays the blame for the post-independence woes upon the Catholic-backed conservatives who opposed the great liberal leaders like Benito Juarez…and Porfirio Diaz. In regards to the ongoing revolution, he posits that, “it is a matter of their own” (pg. 66), that the people of Mexico do not need foreign intervention to solve their issues.
One of his less admirable positions regarding Mexico’s history is his portrayal of the still living, recently deposed dictator, Porfirio Diaz, as “the greatest of Mexico’s great men” (pg. 50). He dedicates a 12-page chapter singing Diaz’s praises, while not mentioning the brutal tactics and abuses of powers he committed during his time in power, or the why and how of his fall from power (pg. 51-62).