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Tracing Mexico's Shifting Cultural Identity through Print Media: El Liceo Mexicano (1844)

El Liceo Mexicano (1844)

About the Book

El Liceo Mexicano is a two-volume literary journal of pre-war Mexico. It compiled the work of many authors, artists, and some of the most influential Mexican thinkers of the time. This compilation was used to showcase Mexican culture and to educate people about the aspects of the possible future of Mexico.

Interpreting El Liceo

What do we know about Mexican identity in the late 19th century?

Mexican people were excited for Mexico’s future before the US Mexican war. They wrote books, created art, and began to showcase the intellectual interest of a truly unique and changing culture. During this time many influential Mexican figures would collaborate so they could showcase the beauty and opportunity that was coming out of Mexico. El Liceo Mexicano is a prime example of a collaborative effort put together by multiple influential people that was published in 1884 by the J.M Lara print.   

Why was it created?

There are two volumes of El Liceo Mexicano and the first one was published in 1844 when Mexico was hoping to become a fruitful modernized country that would maintain its unique culture. Both books compile things like; poems, music, art, folklore, fashion, inventions, industry, and many other points of the culture that were useful in highlighting the possible future. Along with showcasing Mexico to the world, this periodical compilation was used to educate the people of Mexico about their own country. Many Mexican people had little to no education at the time of publication, and the influential figures of the time believed that it was necessary to help these people understand their country. The Contents of the series had an array of topics that covered a range of cultural aspects. The chapters include topics like fashion, geography, electricity, and many more. The images in these books accurately portray the information in the text and even the text is ornate in many places. 

How did it impact the future of Mexico?

El Liceo Mexicano was created to serve two purposes, to inform and to educate. The name of the series even translates to The Mexican High School which makes sense because much of the information would require basic reading skills, and the book was used in schools. However, in many places, a school would buy one copy of this series and would use it to instruct children and adults to read and learn about their culture. Based on research, this book was an effective tool for educating and cultivating future entrepreneurship all while highlighting pride, culture, and invention.


El Liceo Mexicano offers a unique perspective into the culture of post-revolutionary Mexico and its struggle to generate a singular identity. This periodical series is a wonderful way to understand things about Mexico at the time, and even though it was created a long time ago to portray these things, it can still be used to demonstrate lesser-known things about Mexico.

What do the books like or have in them?

Both books have ornate decorations that make the information pop out. The use of Costumbrismo is fluent throughout the series and is used to create images that reflect the work that the different authors wrote.

Source List


Item size:

Volume 1- 27.5 X 18 cm.

Volume 2- 26.5 X 17.5 cm

749 Pages total

~40 images per book

Volume One's chapter on Doña Marina