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Microfilm scanning at Lane Library in Savannah: Using the ST ViewScan II Microform Scanner

Advancing the Microfilm

There are three ways to advance the microfilm.

  1. Use the motor controls on the physical viewer. The red buttons allow for fast forward and reverse, and the gray buttons allow for a slower forward and reverse.


Red and gray motor controls at base of microform viewer's face


  1. You can also use the virtual motor controls that appear at the bottom of the screen. They function in the same way as the physical controls.


Gray and red virtual motor controls displayed near bottom of screen


  • You can hide or display the virtual motor controls by selecting the Motor Controls icon on the left menu bar.

 Motor control icon is a page of text with green arrows to its left and right

  1. Finally, you can advance the film by hand. Gently turn the take up reel to the right to fine-tune the placement of the film. 

Human hand turning take up reel clockwise