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HIST 3030 - Black Women's History: Gathering Background Information

This guide provides library and web-based information appropriate for students enrolled in HIST 3030: Black Women's History

Gather Background Info with Reference Resources

Most reference resources are considered "tertiary" source materials. These books and websites provide background information and an overview and analysis of a subject or concept.

Tertiary sources have been compiled from secondary sources. Unlike a secondary source book or journal article, tertiary sources are not intended to be read in their entirety. Instead, they are most often used to clarify terms and concepts about a particular topic. Tertiary sources include:

  • Almanacs, Yearbooks, and Factbooks
  • Bibliographies*
  • Dictionaries and Encyclopedias*
  • Indexes and Abstracts
  • Manuals
  • Textbooks*


*Also considered secondary


[Image Source: Georgia Southern University]

History Reference Databases

Try Specialized
Encyclopedias & Dictionaries

Subject-specific encyclopedias and dictionaries are more specialized than general ones. Coverage is limited to a specific subject or field of study and contain more developed entries written by scholars and experts within the field.