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ENGL 1102 - Comp II - MITCHELL: Books

Tips for finding books in the library

Our books (and most academic libraries) are arranged by the Library of Congress call number classification system. This means that books are arranged by subject. You use the call number on the spine of the book to find its location on the shelf (it's like the book's address).

Once you find one book, it's always a good idea to browse around the same area (the shelf above, the shelf below).You never know what you might find that is related to your topic!

GIL-Find catalog @ Georgia Southern

Discover search includes option to search GIL FIND

Searches to try

Try using the following keywords to search Ebrary and GIL Find:
  • Search by the author's name
  • Combine author/topic, eg. faulkner symbolism or hawthorne allegory or shakespeare sonnets
  • Search by the title of the story, poem, esp within a particular ebook

Search Scope

Need to narrow or broaden your search?  Click on Georgia Southern University (next to the search box) for a drop down menu with options to search both GS Libraries, only Lane, only Henderson, or the entire University System.

Menu options to the right of the search box change the scope of your search

Locating a book in the library

Once you find a book in the GIL Find catalog, use the Call number and the Location information to find the book on the shelf.  Call numbers are read alphabetically and then nurmerically.

The short video below walks you through the process!